Yoga exercises to improve blood circulation and health

All organs and cells inside the body need a blood supply to provide adequate oxygen and function properly. If the ability to circulate, blood circulation is poor, all organs will be affected. In addition to using drugs and building a reasonable diet, exercise is one of the ways to improve health, as well as the most complete circulatory system. In particular, yoga is not only the easiest exercise to do, but also one of the ways to help blood circulation effectively. Let learn about effective yoga exercises to cure blood qi!

We often tell ourselves, our body has poor blood and qi, so our skin lacks vitality, our face is pale or we have headaches, we always feel tired. Many people look to yoga as a method to help blood circulation.

Practicing yoga has the effect of helping to regulate blood and blood, bringing harmony and calm to the mind, helping to increase concentration and memory in work and study. Practicing yoga also helps practitioners have a deeper and better sleep, so the spirit is also more excited and refreshed.

Downward facing dog yoga pose

This is an extremely favorable position for blood circulation. Because the hips are placed above the heart and the heart is above the head. In addition, the benefit of the downward facing dog pose is that it takes advantage of the force of gravity to help blood flow to the head better. It also strengthens the legs, improving circulation in them.

Downward-facing dog pose


  • Stand with your back straight on the mat, then slowly lower your palms down, hips up.
  • Notice how the distance between the arms is placed about shoulder-width apart. Hands are placed shoulder-width apart, knees hip-width apart.
  • Try to hold the posture, breathe deeply and evenly.
  • Squeeze the inner abdominal muscles slightly, soften the waist. When you feel the soft waist, it’s okay to not be stiff
  • Keeping the knees bent, extend the arms as much as possible to straighten the spine but do not retract the shoulders, softening the shoulders so that the shoulders and chest are open.
  • Close to the upper thighs and abdomen
  • To get into the pose, gently straighten your knees and step forward slightly.
  • Lower your heels to the floor, feet slightly apart by hips or close.

Warrior yoga pose 2

This pose is a great solution to strengthen the muscles in the legs. It helps to release the veins in the legs, thus increasing blood circulation effectively.

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Yoga helps blood circulation


  • Stand with your back straight on the mat, then begin to spread your legs so that they are about an arm’s length apart. Bring one foot forward, the other foot behind.
  • Rotate right foot 90° outward, left foot inward by 15°. Keep the soles of your feet so that they are in a straight line.
  • Spread your arms wide, perpendicular to your feet. Palms face down and arms parallel to the ground.
  • Take a deep breath. Try to feel the comfort of your body
  • Hold the pose for 30 to 40 seconds.
  • Repeat the leg swap.

triangle yoga pose

This is also a standing position, so it helps to increase muscle strength as well as improve circulation to the legs. At the same time, this position allows to expand the chest and lungs, thereby improving blood circulation throughout the body.

Yoga helps blood circulation


  • Start in a standing position, with your arms relaxed at the sides of your body. Step right foot to the right from 100 to 120 cm
  • Turn the left foot at a 45° angle, then turn the right foot 90°, so that the right heel is in line with the center of the left foot.
  • Inhale, and at the same time raise your hands up to shoulder height, palms facing down. Both arms and shoulders should relax comfortably
  • Exhale while placing your right palm on the floor, outside of your right foot. If you can’t reach the floor, you can put it on the lower leg
  • Extend left hand toward the ceiling, palm facing forward, keeping left shoulder facing back
  • Turn your head to look up at your left hand, while keeping your spine straight and neck relaxed
  • Hold the position for as long as possible.
  • Then repeat the pose 2 to 3 times.

Pose with feet on the wall

The benefits of this leg-up-wall pose are not just an inversion in the sense of bringing the feet above the heart, but also an inversion of the way most of us sit every day. This pose helps in effective blood circulation, reducing the accumulation of blood or fluid in the lower extremities.

Yoga helps blood circulation


  • Lie on your back on an exercise mat with your hips facing the wall, facing out.
  • Slowly bring your legs up to the wall and adjust them so that they are perpendicular to the mat. At the same time, let your hands go down along the body, palms facing up or down.
  • Close your eyes and focus your mind on slow breathing. Breathe in and out regularly. Do it for about 10-15 minutes.
  • When you are tired, you come out of the pose by lowering your legs to the side and lying down for a while. Then sit up slowly to avoid a sudden change in position.
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Reference source

Yoga for Blood Circulation Accessed date: 10/5/2020

The 5 Best Yoga Poses For Increasing Your Circulation ASAP Date: 10/5/2020

6 Pre-Yoga Foods to Boost Blood Flow and Circulation Accessed May 10, 2020

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