What water is good for the lungs?? In the state of unhygienic food, increasingly polluted air, dust, cigarette smoke, … are the agents that harm the lungs or cause lung infections? So, what kind of water should you drink to help purify the lungs and prevent the risk of dangerous respiratory diseases?

What water is good for the lungs? 11 simple drinks at home
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If you are wondering what water to drink is good for the lungs, you should not ignore the simple, cheap, and extremely good water for the lungs, which is filtered water. Drinking enough filtered water every day is extremely important for lung health. Water helps to remove toxins and mucus from the lungs and airways. Helps prevent the risk of infection as well as keep the lungs healthy.
Ginger honey lemon tea

Ginger honey lemon tea
Lemon combined with honey is a drink that not only helps beautify the skin, purify the body but it is also very good for the lungs. Honey with anti-inflammatory properties, clears infections. Lemon is a fruit that contains vitamin C and high antioxidants that help strengthen the body’s immunity. The drink that combines lemon and honey is especially great with its ability to help detoxify the lungs and fight infections.
Green tea
Green tea has long been a familiar beverage. And especially in green tea leaves contain EGCG – a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. The answer to the question of what water is good for the lungs is green tea. Green tea has the effect of killing bacteria as well as minimizing the development of free radicals and helps reduce the risk of asthma, protecting your lungs better.
Drinks from turmeric and ginger

Drinks from turmeric and ginger
Ginger is known to be a superfood that offers a lot of benefits for lung health. Ginger with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, has the ability to help purify the lungs, prevent pneumonia and protect lung health in the best way.
There is substance in turmeric curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant. With the main use is anti-inflammatory, helping to prevent pneumonia. In addition, it also limits respiratory diseases such as colds, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer.
A glass of ginger and turmeric tea will help you remove harmful toxins from your lungs.
Licorice Root Tea
It is not only when the lungs have problems that you drink licorice root tea, but you should drink licorice root juice every day to get a healthy lung. Licorice tea mixed with little honey has an effective bactericidal effect, this material is also used in Oriental medicine to treat diseases of the digestive system and respiratory system very effectively.
Honey warm water

Honey warm water
What water is good for the lungs? Perhaps you only heard about the benefits of a glass of warm water in the morning or honey is good for the skin but do not know how effective the combination of them will be?
Since ancient times, honey has always been considered a miraculous gift that nature bestows on us. Warm water mixed with honey not only helps to lose weight effectively but it also brings many health benefits such as purifying the body, increasing resistance, enhancing health, immune system …
Warm honey water can clear the lungs and remove mucus, and prevent bronchitis.
Apple, beet and carrot smoothie

Apple, beet and carrot smoothie
What do you get when you combine apples, carrots and beets? This juice was developed by Chinese herbalists to help prevent lung cancer and several other diseases. In the past few years, apple, beet and carrot smoothies have become popular around the world as a daily nutritional drink.
The method is extremely simple, you just need to put in a blender, apples, carrots and beets to ensure that the above ingredients are clean and safe, because you will be using their skins. Then put all the ingredients in the blender (leave the peel on) and drink it right after the grinding is complete. Do not leave the smoothie mixture in the refrigerator overnight.
The amount of carrots, apples and beets will depend on your taste. You can add apples or carrots. For best results, balance the amount of each ingredient accordingly. You can add lemon juice for flavor, but don’t add sugar.
It is also said that this drink not only partially prevents lung cancer, but it also eradicates most types of cancer by inhibiting the growth of diseased cells.
This drink is also very good to maintain the healthy functioning of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and protect from other risks. This is the best smoothie for the question of what water is good for the lungs.
Citrus fruit juices, tangerines

Citrus fruit juices, tangerines
Fruits have always been a source of “superfoods” that provide excellent nutrients for health. Fruit contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which can help strengthen the immune system and fight lung infections. If you are a lover of juices from fruits, you will surely wonder what juice we should drink for good lung health?
Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, strawberries, tomatoes, grapes, mangoes, pineapples, etc. are a rich source of vitamin C as well as antioxidants. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and fight respiratory infections. These fruits will also help flush toxins out of the lungs.
Recent studies have shown that fruits rich in vitamin C have the ability to reduce wheezing in children and improve lung function in patients with COPD. So, if you ask what water is good for the lungs, the answer is certainly not without juices from citrus fruits rich in vitamin C.
Blueberry juice
Berries, like blueberries, contain a lot of nutrients that are essential to maintaining good lung function. Blueberries contain a large amount of antioxidants such as flavonoids, lutein, carotenoids and zeaxanthin.
They help remove lung tissue from harmful substances by oxidation, preventing lung infections as well as lung cancer. This is a very good drink for asthma patients. In addition to blueberries, the answer to what is good for the lungs is that you can also eat other dark berries like cherries or raspberries …
Apple juice

Apple juice
Apple is a very good fruit for the lungs, contains many flavonoids, antioxidants as well as essential vitamins. Many clinical studies have shown that eating apples regularly also helps to clean the lungs, reduce the risk of lung cancer and reduce the likelihood of lung diseases, such as asthma.
In addition to eating apples directly, you can also enjoy a glass of pure apple juice to help cool, cool down and protect the lungs from harmful agents from the outside environment.
Water from mint leaves
Mint contains trace amounts of nutrients and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A. Mint leaves are very low in calories – about 25g of fresh leaves contains 4 calories. Fresh leaves contain a negligible amount of protein and fat, in addition, it contains only a small amount of carbohydrates.

Water from mint leaves
A 25g serving of regular mint leaves contains a total of only about 1g of carbohydrates (which includes 0.5g of fiber). The fiber contained in this leaf has good health effects such as lowering blood cholesterol and reducing the risk of obesity.
Mint leaves are extremely low in calories. Meanwhile, it contains a lot of Vitamins A, C and B that have the ability to help strengthen the body’s immunity. In addition, the cool, spicy properties of mint leaves have a soothing effect on wheezing and shortness of breath.
In particular, the methanol present in mint leaves is compared as an anti-congestion, expectorant, and helps expel the accumulated mucus in the lungs easily. It also reduces swelling of the membranes in the nose, allowing you to breathe easily. Drinking mint leaf juice is also the answer to what water is good for the lungs.
Thanks to this property, mint leaves are frequently appearing in cough tablets for babies. The effectiveness has also been expertly tested and recognized.
Eating a diet rich in foods and drinking nutritious drinks is a smart way to protect your lungs. Water, coffee, dark green vegetables, honey, lemons, apples, turmeric, blueberries and ginger are just some examples of what water is good for the lungs. Try incorporating these foods and drinks into your diet to help support lung health.
> Reference:
- What kind of water should the kidneys be weak? Should I drink a lot of water?
- What drink is good for the eyes? 17 drinks that help nourish the eyes should be added
- What should I drink to stay awake at night without harming my health?
- 15+ types of drinks to restore strength quickly and effectively

John Alen was born in 1971 and is a doctor in the healthcare and psychology fields with many years of experience. He is currently working at easyhealthylive.com, a leading health and psychology blog. Having studied at Y1 National Medical University named after IM Sechenov, John Alen is using his knowledge and experience to help improve the physical and mental health of people in the United States.