What are free radicals? Harm and how to prevent free radicals

Skincare believers when researching and choosing skin care products often come across the phrase free radicals. So What is a free radical? And why is it mentioned so much in skincare? Are free radicals harmful and how to prevent them? Let’s … find out more details through the article below.

What is a free radical?
Learn about the harmful effects and prevention of free radicals with Ocany

What are free radicals?

To understand free radicals you need a basic knowledge of chemistry.

The atom is surrounded by electrons orbiting the atom in layers called shells. Each shell needs to be filled with a set number of electrons. When a shell is full; electrons begin to fill the next shell.

If an atom has an incomplete outer shell, it can bond with another atom, using electrons to complete its outer shell. These types of atoms are called free radicals.

What is a free radical?
What are free radicals?

Atoms with a full outer shell are stable, but free radicals are unstable, and in an attempt to generate the number of electrons in their outermost shell, they react rapidly with other substances.

When oxygen molecules split into single atoms with unpaired electrons, they become free radicals unstable looking for other atoms or molecules to bond with. If this continues to happen, it initiates a process known as oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can damage the body’s cells, leading to a variety of diseases and causing symptoms of aging, such as wrinkles. Let’s find out in detail the harmful effects of free radicals on the body right below.

Effects of free radicals on the body

After understanding the concept of free radicals, let’s learn more about their harmful effects on the body. According to the free radical theory of aging, first stated in 1956, free radicals will break down cells over time. As the body ages, it loses its ability to fight the effects of free radicals. As a result, more free radicals are generated, more oxidative stress and more cell damage, leading to the degenerative process.

Harm of free radicals
Harm of free radicals

Many studies indicate that free radicals have an effect on the formation of a number of diseases including:

  • Diseases related to the central nervous system such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc.
  • Cardiovascular disease caused by blocked arteries.
  • Inflammatory and immune system disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, etc.
  • Cataracts and age-related vision loss.
  • Changes in appearance caused by aging such as loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, graying of hair, hair loss and changes in hair texture.
  • Diabetes
  • Hereditary degenerative diseases, such as Huntington’s or Parkinson’s disease
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The gradual but accelerated accumulation of free radicals in the body provides a clear explanation for why even healthy bodies age and deteriorate over time.

Therefore, the more free radicals the body has, the faster the aging process, forming wrinkles.

So what causes an increase in free radicals?

Causes of increased free radicals

Although free radicals are produced naturally in the body, lifestyle factors can accelerate their production. Those factors include:

  • Exposure to harmful chemicals such as pesticides, factory emissions or polluted air
  • Smoke
  • Excessive use of products with high alcohol content such as wine, beer, etc.
  • Fatty foods
  • Prolonged nervous tension
Stress is a major cause of free radicals
Stress is the main cause of this problem

These factors are one of the direct causes of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Substances that are resistant to free radicals

There are thousands of chemicals that can act as antioxidants. Vitamins C and E, glutathione, beta-carotene and plant estrogens known as phytoestrogens are some of the many antioxidants that can also scavenge the effects of free radicals.

There are many foods rich in antioxidants such as:

  • Citrus fruits and many other fruits are rich in vitamin C
  • Carrots are known for their high beta-carotene content
  • Soybeans, soybeans, and some meat substitutes are high in phytoestrogens.

Let’s discover ways free radical prevention following daily.

Daily free radical defense

Living in moderation

Should have a schedule of activities on time and eat enough nutrients to avoid body weakness or stress. Do not overdo anything, should maintain a balance between work and rest. Limit staying up late, using stimulants such as fabricated, alcohol, tobacco. You need to sleep 7-8 hours a day.

Living in moderation
Living in moderation

Appropriate diet

It is necessary to have a diet suitable for the body. Avoid eating too much fatty and fast food. Should eat more vegetables, fresh fruits, drink lots of water, limit sugar, salt, meat.

Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating

Sports training

Daily exercise not only helps to keep the body healthy and supple, but also helps to relax the mind and get rid of the negative things that affect the brain.

Sports training
Sports training

Improve living environment

The surrounding environment is increasingly polluted by dust, toxic chemicals we put into our bodies every day, garbage ….. So you should keep your living environment clean and fresh. by planting more trees, using materials from nature and using clean energy such as solar energy.

Improve living environment
Improve your living environment

Use alkaline drinking water

Water after filtration is removed all impurities, dirt, harmful bacteria but still retains the necessary amount of natural minerals for the body.

Using Alkaline drinking water every day will help replenish the amount of hydrogen inside the body, thereby slowing down the aging process and eliminating free radicals cause disease.

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Drink Alkaline water every day
Drink Alkaline water every day

Besides, Alkaline water has another great use that is to strengthen the body’s resistance, strengthen cell tissues and the immune system, supplement calcium, effectively prevent osteoporosis.

Alkaline drinking water is currently at the top of the list of healthy drinks.


So what are free radicals? Through the article, you can see that free radicals sound strange but are actually very familiar to your body. It is the main cause of aging problems. You can only slow down the increase Free radicals in the body and certainly free radicals can never be completely eliminated by the inevitable free radical formation due to age.

Those interested in skin care and skin care and “afraid” of premature aging should avoid factors that help the body produce free radicals, such as pollution and fried foods.

Especially don’t put too much emphasis on aging, keep a positive lifestyle and a comfortable spirit. Surely you will always be young and beautiful. Hopefully the above information will help you better understand free radicals and how to repel them.

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