Tips for good pregnancy yoga exercises for vaginal birth

Many health experts have confirmed that yoga during pregnancy can help pregnant women reduce pain during labor and make labor more convenient.

Prolonged labor pain is the biggest obsession of many pregnant women when choosing to give birth naturally. If you do not want to experience this pain for too long, experts recommend that you diligently practice yoga during pregnancy.

While pregnancy yoga doesn’t completely eliminate pain, it can help relax the mind, reduce pain, and shorten the time it takes to give birth. To know how yoga works for vaginal birth, follow the sharing below of LEEP.

Yoga is a discipline with many types and exercises suitable for everyone, including pregnant women. Yoga not only helps the body increase flexibility and endurance, but it also helps pregnant women learn how to breathe properly for an easy delivery.

Pregnancy yoga – with you until the day of “birth”

Practicing yoga is one of the best exercises for pregnant women. Yoga not only keeps your body healthy during pregnancy, but it also prepares your body to get through the birthing process.

The postures and breathing techniques in yoga have a great effect on labor and delivery of pregnant women, especially those who intend to give birth naturally.

Pregnancy yoga includes yoga movements designed to be safe for pregnant women. The main purpose of this type of yoga is to help pregnant women reduce the risk of experiencing pregnancy complications.

However, despite being claimed to be safe. However, it is still best to consult before starting a certain pose in yoga. You should pay special attention to hot yoga because this is not the right type of practice for you.

Benefits of yoga for vaginal birth

Yoga brings many health benefits for mothers, especially, this subject also works to help mothers give birth naturally:

  • Support during labor: Yoga not only helps to improve the mother’s overall health, but also works to support the development of the fetus. Yoga helps build muscle strength and maintain energy for easy labor.
  • Pain relief: With each month of pregnancy, you will encounter many challenges, including facing many aches and pains such as back pain, headaches, etc. Yoga helps relieve pain by improving blood circulation, strengthening muscles, and regulating breathing.
  • Sleep well: Yoga reduces stress, anxiety and pain, so the body is always in a relaxed, comfortable state. Practicing yoga regularly, you will sleep better and deeper.
  • Learn to breathe: Yoga helps you get used to breathing exercises, relaxation, from which, the body will create its own breathing reflex in response to each stage of the natural birth process.
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Another study found that yoga also gives women the opportunity to explore the body’s response to pain and how the body relaxes to deal with pain beyond its normal pain threshold.

Pregnant women should practice yoga every 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week, for 10 weeks to improve comfort levels, reduce pain during labor and after childbirth.

10 yoga movements that support vaginal birth are very effective

Here are the yoga poses that have been proven to be very beneficial for vaginal delivery:

First trimester

You can do most yoga poses during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, it is very important that you pay attention to the needs of your body. If you feel tired, dizzy or do not want to exercise, you should stop exercising immediately and do not force yourself. Here are some birthing yoga poses that you can do during your first trimester:

  • Warrior Pose: Works to strengthen the back, thighs, shoulders and arms. In addition, this pose also helps increase the endurance of the body.
  • Tree pose: Helps prevent heartburn, improves posture and relieves back pain.
  • Extended triangle pose: Works to stretch the hip, hamstring and groin muscles. In addition, it also helps reduce stress, back pain and improves digestion during pregnancy.

Warrior Pose

Warrior Pose strengthens the back, thighs, and arms

Second trimester

Yoga for the second trimester will be done when the morning sickness has passed and your belly starts to expand. Here are some yoga poses that you can do during the second trimester:

  • Thunder pose: Very effective in improving digestion and treating stomach related problems during pregnancy.
  • Mountain pose: Works to strengthen the spine and maintain physical and mental balance.
  • Cat Pose: Extremely beneficial for the reproductive system. In addition, it gives flexibility to the shoulders, spine and neck.

The cat pose is very beneficial for the reproductive system

The cat pose is very beneficial for the reproductive system

Third trimester

Yoga exercises for the 3rd trimester will help your body prepare for labor and delivery. Here are some poses you can try:

  • Butterfly pose: Helps relieve fatigue in the inner thighs and legs.
  • Half butterfly pose: Helps loosen hip joints for easy delivery.
  • Twisted lying position: Very beneficial for treating constipation, relieving pain caused by tension or stiffness in the back.
  • Chair pose: Works to strengthen thigh and pelvic muscles.

Butterfly pose helps relieve fatigue in the inner thighs and legs

Butterfly pose helps relieve fatigue in the inner thighs and legs

Note when doing yoga for pregnant women

Yoga offers many great health benefits for pregnant women. However, when practicing yoga during this sensitive period, you also need to be very cautious. Here are a few things you need to remember:

  • Should practice yoga under the guidance of the doctor
  • Practice yoga poses and breathing exercises with correct technique
  • Do not practice yoga exercises in the lying position after the first trimester
  • Do not hold your breath for a long time
  • Exercise caution when performing balancing yoga poses
  • Pay attention to nutritional needs and add enough water to the body before and after exercise
  • Wear comfortable clothes when practicing yoga
  • Get enough rest after exercise.
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Yoga can bring many benefits to pregnant women. Yoga not only helps to keep the body healthy but also very good during labor. However, to achieve effectiveness as well as ensure your own safety, it is best to practice properly under the advice and guidance of a doctor and professional yoga teacher.

Reference source

Best Yoga Asanas for Normal Delivery Accessed date: 16/3/2020

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