Supplementing with the right nutrients – the right physiological dose of the body

Doctor.CK2 Do Thi Ngoc Diep – Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Food Nutrition Association will guide parents on how to properly supplement with micronutrients and in adequate doses to help children healthy and comprehensive development.

Micronutrient Fuel is important for children to eat well, sleep well, and be smart

Being a parent in the digital age is easy but difficult. The advantage is that, with just one search, there are tons of useful tips, but this is also a bad side, because there is too much information, so it is difficult for the mother to choose.

In which, every parent knows that providing enough micronutrients for children is very important and must be supplemented early. But in fact, not everyone understands correctly and enough about the micronutrients, leading to the situation of thinking that there is a lack of redundancy and not enough redundancy.

According to BS.CK2 Do Thi Ngoc Diep – Former Director of Ho Chi Minh City Nutrition Center – Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Food Nutrition Association, micronutrients are the necessary fuel for children’s bodies to develop comprehensively both physically and mentally.

Although the body only needs a small amount of micronutrients, a lack of these micronutrients will cause many serious consequences. Typically, malnutrition (including underweight malnutrition, stunting malnutrition) slows down children’s physical and mental development.

Besides, lack of some micronutrients can cause serious health complications, such as vitamin A deficiency causing blindness; iodine deficiency causes goiter; deficiency of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 can all cause anemia; or lack of calcium, vitamin D makes children rickets.

“The most common cause of micronutrient deficiency in children is the lack of variety in the diet, not meeting the recommended needs of micronutrients. The second is because the children’s needs are high during periods of strong growth, but they are not provided enough due to anorexia and certain diseases. In addition, micronutrient deficiency is also seen in children with parasitic infections (worms, flukes).” – Dr. Diep said.

The lack of vitamins and minerals very difficult to detect without performing in-depth tests, so it is easy to miss. Until the deficiency progresses for a long time, causing health to deteriorate much and become pathological.

Therefore, Dr. Ngoc Diep recommends: “When you see your child showing signs of fatigue, anorexic, flaccid muscles, thinning hair, jerkiness, bone pain, bluish skin, mucous membranes of lips, tongue, pale eyes; Or some specific manifestations when lacking a specific vitamin such as dry eyes when lacking vitamin A; swollen gums, easy bleeding when vitamin C deficiency; If your hair is dry, your nails are soft and brittle when you lack zinc, you need to take it to a doctor for examination and advice on how to handle it in a timely manner.”

When do children need to get micronutrients from fortified foods?

To get enough micronutrients, parents need to consider the recommended nutritional needs (RDA) developed by the Ministry of Health according to their child’s age. Use foods fortified with micronutrients; Attention should be paid to the full coordination of all 4 groups of protein, starch, vitamins and minerals, fat, using iodized salt as recommended.

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Young children need to be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life, and at the same time give high doses of vitamin A to children of the prescribed age group twice a year according to the instructions; Perform periodic cleaning and deworming.

In addition, the supplementation of micronutrients is very important if the child belongs to a group of children at risk of deficiency such as anorexia children or unbalanced diets; slow growth; living in a deprived environment; little regular exposure to the sun and/or not getting enough vitamin D; children with chronic diseases affecting nutrient absorption; Children lose weight or are on a strict diet…

“Especially, in the stages of development with high demand such as young children in the first 6 years of life, the pre-pubertal and pubertal periods, special attention should be paid to the selection of micronutrient supplements suitable for children. needs, but with extreme caution.

First of all, you must know how much your child needs at each age. The second is how much the baby’s diet meets the needs. After that, it is decided whether to supplement with micronutrients for children or not, which supplement and how much. It is best to see a doctor for recommendations according to the age of the child.” – Dr. Diep gives advice to parents.

Usually, there are few cases of a single vitamin or mineral deficiency. It is then more effective to supplement in the form of a mixture than to use separate types.

Moreover, should choose products with brand, reputation, science. Give your child medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor to avoid bad complications from overdose. Note, using vitamin supplements can’t replace food, but you still have to eat a full, balanced food group.

Kinder Optima – Multivitamin to help children eat well and develop comprehensively

Kinder Optima is one of the best-selling products of Doppelherz, the brand with a large share of sales in Germany with a combination of L-Lysine and 17 vitamins and minerals.

In particular, the outstanding advantage of Kinder Optima is to help supplement iron with ingredients that increase the absorption of this microelement such as folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin C, both to help children eat better and to prevent anemia. Fill nutritional gaps for children to grow taller and improve their stature.

An advantage that makes Kinder Optima win the trust of millions of mothers around the world is its long-term effectiveness, sustainable growth of children, no virtual weight gain. Delicious orange flavor products, economical use.

Ingredient: Each 5ml contains

L-Lysin (L-Lysine monohydrochloride)……………………. 50 mg

Vitamin A (Retinyl palmitate) …………………………………………………….200 µg

Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine hydrochloride)…………………….1.5 mg

Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin)…………………………………………………….1.4 mg

Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride)……………………..1 mg

Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin)……………………………………………………..3 µg

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)…………………….40 mg

Vitamin D 3 (Cholecalciferol)…………………………5 µg

Vitamin E (DL-alpha-Tocopheryl acetate)………….. 6 mg

Biotin……………………………………………………..50 µg

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)……………………………………………………..200 µg

Niacin (Nicotinamide)……………………..8 mg

Pantothenic acid (Calci-D-pantothenate) ……………………. 3 mg

Iodine (Sodium i-odid)……………………………………………………..70 µg

Iron (Iron gluconate)………………………………………………………7 mg

Magnesium (Magnesium citrate)…………………………………………………….20 mg

Manganese (Manganese Gluconate)……………………..500 µg

Zinc (Zinc gluconate)……………………..5 mg

User object:

– Children with anorexia, growth retardation, malnutrition, stunting.

Children with poor absorption, body weakness, or during convalescence need to provide vitamins and minerals

Children in the period of rapid development in physical and stature.

Usage – dosage:

Drink with meals.

Children under 5 years old: 1.25ml/day

– Children from 5-7 years old: 2.5ml/day

Children over 7 years old: 5ml/day

Or follow the dosage instructions of your healthcare professional.

GPQC number: 2888/2020/XNQC-ATTP

This food is not a medicine, it is not a substitute for medicine.

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