Sting how many calories? Is it okay to drink Sting every day?

When tired, exhausted or hot weather, a bottle of Sting is a popular choice for many people. The sweet taste mixed with the passion helps Sting quickly win the hearts of consumers of all ages. However, few people care sting how many calories? and health information about this water. Let’s go together today Ocany Discover details about Sting soft drink in the article below.

Sting how many calories?  Is it okay to drink Sting every day?

Sting how many calories? Is it okay to drink Sting every day?

Find out how many calories in 1 bottle of Sting?

Sting is an energy drink, quickly replenishing energy from Pepsico. Sting soft drink is popular with many Vietnamese people with two popular types of red Sting with a special strawberry flavor and a yellow Sting that has a similar taste to beef gourd energy drink. Not only does it provide quick energy, but Sting also contains several vitamins, most notably vitamin E.

So a bottle sting how many calories?? Product calorie parameters are usually printed directly on the packaging by the manufacturer for easy understanding, 1 bottle of Sting 330ml contains about 240 calories. This is an average calorie content that is not too big but not too small, and is higher than that of regular drinks.

Nutritional ingredients in Red Strawberry Sting

After knowing 1 bottle sting how many calories?Many people wonder about the nutritional composition of this water. In 1 bottle of Red Strawberry Sting 330ml contains about:

The 330ml red strawberry Sting bottle contains many nutrients and vitamins

The 330ml red strawberry Sting bottle contains many nutrients and vitamins

  • 63.4 grams of carbohydrates
  • 62.4 grams of sugar
  • 105.3 mg Sodium
  • 3.3 mg vitamin B3 (21% RNI)
  • 0.66 mg vitamin B6 (51% RNI)
  • 12% mcg vitamin B12 (12% RNI)


RNI: Recommended Nutrition Intakes for adults. This index is applied according to the recommendation of the Vietnamese.

In addition, the wall of Red Strawberry Sting also includes CO2 saturated water, acidity regulator, cane sugar, synthetic and natural strawberry flavor, ginseng, taurine, caffeine… These substances are all useful. helps to quench thirst, restore energy, increase vitality and enhance alertness.

Does drinking Sting cause weight gain?

Does drinking a lot of Sting cause weight gain is a question many people ask after only “How many calories in 1 bottle of sting??” Sting is a carbonated soft drink, which not only helps to quench thirst but also adds some nutrients to the body.

Does drinking a lot of Sting cause weight gain is a question many people wonder

Does drinking a lot of Sting cause weight gain is a question many people wonder

However, if we use Sting incorrectly, drink it regularly and continuously, weight gain will be inevitable, even rapid. In addition to weight problems, it is also a harmful agent for your health.

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The reason for this, in the sting is the type of water containing a relatively large sugar content. If not converted into energy, there is a high risk that they will accumulate into excess fat around the skin or around the visceral organs, causing overweight and obesity.

Drinking a lot of Sting affects health or not?

There is no denying the benefits that Sting water brings. However, you need more multidimensional information to be able to control the dose and know how to use sting without affecting health.


Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in Sting in particular and other energy drinks in general. This is a fairly common substance in water, helping to stimulate the nervous system, inhibit sleepiness, improve concentration and alertness when working and studying.

Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in Sting

Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in Sting

In addition, Sting also contains taurine – an amino acid capable of supporting the development of the retina, improving brain health. Taurine will help you improve drowsiness, fatigue, lack of energy, inability to concentrate. In addition, Sting is also a source of vitamin c such as vitamins of groups B1, B2, B6, … This is really a perfect drink for the morning full of energy and alertness.


Anything too much is not good, besides the benefits that Sting brings. If you know sting how many calories? and balance them with a healthy lifestyle is not a problem. However, when you become “addicted” to Sting, drinking continuously and regularly will lead to health problems such as:

  • Excess fat accumulation, especially in the abdomen
  • Affects the digestive system causing bloating and flatulence
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate

In addition, some studies also show that men who regularly drink carbonated soft drinks have a very high risk of affecting reproductive health. Because of these harmful effects, you should be concerned sting how many calories? and use it properly so as not to affect your health.

Many small children are addicted to stings and consume them every day

Many small children are addicted to stings and consume them every day

Some notes when using Sting . soft drink

Here are some notes to know when drinking sting soda to ensure health as well as limit overweight, obesity and reduce anxiety “sting how many calories??” in daily use.

  • People who have been suffering from high blood pressure and heart rate diseases should not take Sting regularly.
  • People who are losing weight, dieting should limit soft drinks
  • Pregnant women, lactating women and children with poor digestive systems
  • Do not mix soft drinks
  • Not drinking Sting at night can easily cause sugar accumulation and excess fat formation
  • Only drink 1-2 bottles per week
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Sting is a great drink for refreshment and energy. However, because of this, you do not abuse drinking sting every day or several times a day. To not have to worry sting how many calories?you should only drink 1-2 bottles per week and combine with a reasonable exercise regimen to maintain good shape and health.

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