Solve 7 digestive problems that gymers often encounter

Digestive problems such as bloating, abdominal distension, indigestion, reflux, nausea… often affect the training process more or less. So how to fix these situations?

After fueling up for a workout, you may experience gastrointestinal problems. This can make the workout ineffective. To prevent this from happening, helps you to deal with 7 common digestive problems in the most effective way. Please refer.

1. Bloating

Bloating can lead to sudden burps that you can’t control, which is not good for your stomach and digestion. To reduce this phenomenon, you should limit indigestible, greasy foods before exercise, at least 4 hours.

A slight change in your diet can also help ease the pressure on your digestive system. For example, instead of eating bread or fruit as a pre-workout snack, you can change it to rice cakes or jams for faster digestion, thereby reducing the pressure on your stomach when you exercise. .

Sweeteners found in protein bars and energy drinks can also cause bloating. Therefore, you should carefully review the ingredients of the food before using it.

2. Abdominal stretch

There are many reasons that lead to bloating, including eating a lot of fast food, a diet high in dairy products or simply your diet is too much. To avoid feeling bloated when exercising, you can rely on the following principles:

  • 200 calories takes at least 1.5 hours to digest
  • A 300-calorie meal takes at least 3 or 4 hours to fully digest.

Abdominal tightness is the result of eating too much before exercise

The above eating habits not only hinder exercise but also cause belly fat, reducing the effectiveness of muscle gain and weight loss of the training session. Therefore, proper nutrition is the only key to achieving the dream body quickly, while helping the practitioner have a healthy digestive system.

3. Indigestion

As a result of eating too much before training, the gap between meals and training sessions is quite short, so food is still in the stomach. Symptoms of indigestion include burning in the upper abdomen, abdominal distension or nausea.

In addition to food remaining in the body, another cause of indigestion is consuming a lot of sour foods, which contain a lot of acid, and stimulants such as tomatoes, citrus, coffee or soft drinks before exercise. Avoiding these foods and allocating a reasonable time to eat and exercise is a good thing to do to limit indigestion.

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Normally, low-fat, easy-to-digest foods also need about 1 – 1.5 hours to fully digest, but in some cases it takes up to 2 hours, depending on the location of each person.

So, if you don’t guarantee your stomach 1.5-2 hours to digest food before training time, limit the abdominal exercises and extend the warm-up time so that the body has more time before coming. with core exercises. If adjusting the diet and spacing out long enough without progress, you should go to the nearest medical facility to find out the cause.

4. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux

Avoid eating spicy, hot and greasy foods to prevent acid reflux

Like indigestion, this is a phenomenon that completely depends on the diet and exercise of the gymer. You can actively prevent reflux by not doing exercises that require lying down and impact the abdomen, like crunches for the first 30 minutes of your workout.

Do light warm-ups or stretch to distribute the blood evenly throughout the body. You should also limit spicy, hot, greasy foods and drink enough water.

5. Stomach cramps

This is a phenomenon in which the stomach is not stable in size during exercise, stemming from not enough water in the body and when doing cardio. To solve this problem, you should drink half a liter of water within 2 hours before exercise and 250ml of water 30 minutes before exercise.

6. Nausea with dizziness

This symptom is often confused with low blood sugar, but it is evidence of eating too little or too much before exercise. A pre-workout snack is the only solution to this phenomenon. Some suggestions that you can consider are drinking juice, bananas, raisins and should be taken about 30 minutes before exercise.

Bananas and cereals are the right choice for a pre-workout meal

7. Visit the toilet many times

Your body knows how to disrupt your workout by making you go to the bathroom over and over again. Although this problem is not dangerous, it is quite annoying. In addition to practicing near the toilet for convenience, you should also consider whether you are drinking too much water. In addition, add more fiber to your daily meal for better digestion.

Reference source

How to prevent 7 common stomach issues during a workout Accessed: 26/06/2020

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