Regular exercise can help you quit smoking

Tobacco is a factor that can cause many health problems. However, quitting smoking is not easy. According to many studies, regular exercise can help you quit smoking effectively.

According to the Ministry of Health, Vietnam is among the 15 countries with the highest number of smokers in the world with about 15.3 million smokers and 33 million people affected by secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 different substances, of which 69 are carcinogenic, addictive, cytotoxic, and mutagenic… Tobacco smoke causes about 25 diseases, including many diseases. such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and affect reproductive health.

What are the benefits of exercise for smoking cessation and how can exercise help with smoking cessation? Please join to learn more in this article!

The benefits of exercise for smoking cessation

The benefit of exercise in smoking cessation is that it helps you cope with cravings both physically and mentally. “Exercise helps control your weight and aids in dealing with your cravings,” says Dr. Norman H. Edelman, senior medical advisor to the American Lung Association.

Studies have shown that even moderate-intensity physical activity, especially aerobics, reduces the urge to smoke. Withdrawal symptoms and cravings are reduced during exercise and this effect lasts up to 50 minutes afterward.

In addition to weight control, exercise also:

  • Reduce cravings
  • Relieves nicotine withdrawal symptoms the first time quitting
  • Distracts you from the thought of wanting to smoke
  • Improve your mood
  • Helps you deal with stress and feel more active

Prepare before quitting smoking

As you quit smoking, here are a few tips to keep you motivated:

  • Taking the time to exercise regularly will help a lot. So adjust your time accordingly.
  • Try to get at least 30 minutes of regular, moderate-intensity physical activity on weekdays.
  • Prioritize exercise and list workouts as a daily must. If you can’t find 30 minutes to practice as recommended, you can break the practice time into small 10-minute intervals.
  • Choose sports you feel you can do such as walking, jogging, swimming… You can start playing at a slow pace and gradually increase the intensity of practice as you get used to it.
  • It’s easier to stick to your plan if you sign up for a guided workout or schedule time to exercise with someone else. The truth is, exercising with others will help you feel more excited and less likely to give up halfway.
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Exercises to quit smoking

You don’t have to challenge your body with sports like boxing or Muay Thai the first time you practice. You can take the following small steps:

Exercises to quit smoking

You can choose to walk or jog to reduce smoking attacks

  • Walking is a great way to get more active. You should go for a walk at lunchtime or after dinner, sometimes invite more colleagues, friends or relatives to join you. Make sure you choose non-smoking companions. Once you get used to it, you can extend the time and increase your walking speed if you want.
  • Doing housework or gardening offers the same benefits as exercise. You can add music while doing these tasks to speed things up and help you relax.
  • Plan family activities or get together with friends with lots of physical activity like hiking, volleyball, or going to the beach.
  • Yoga or swimming can also be the perfect choice for you.

Exercises at the office when you feel like smoking

If you’re at work and suddenly feel the urge to smoke, don’t worry. You can do some gentle movements below to “fly” your cravings:

  • Do some deep knee bends
  • Go up and down a flight of stairs or two
  • Sit at your desk and stretch your muscles
  • Close the door to your office or find a private place and do some simple push-ups. You can do push-ups on the wall in case you don’t want to do push-ups on the floor.

Exercise is a safe and effective way to help you fight cravings and quit smoking effectively. If you are wondering if these methods really work, why can’t you practice and experience? wishes you can successfully quit smoking thanks to this method.

Reference source

Exercise Away the Urge to Smoke Accessed: 25/10/2020

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