Practicing yoga to cure cancer: Is this a myth or a fact?

Yoga is a practice that supports the treatment of many diseases. In particular, practicing yoga to treat cancer is one of the most effective ways to support cancer treatment.

Today, yoga seems to have become a companion for cancer patients. Let’s find out with whether practicing yoga really cures cancer.

What should you pay attention to when practicing yoga?

Practice time

The ideal time to practice yoga is early morning, before breakfast, 2-4 hours after eating and half an hour after drinking water. It is important that you try to exercise at a certain time of day.

For people with cancer, when exercising at least 5-6 days a week, you will see the disease change. In addition, you should only practice yoga once in 24 hours, except in special cases where you can practice more as directed.

Experts also share that the practitioner can divide the practice time into 2 times a day about 8 hours apart. Practicing for at least 15 minutes a day can also be satisfying to maintain health.

You can practice yoga more in the winter than in the summer. The maximum time in each training session in the winter is not more than 45 minutes, in the summer it is not more than 30 minutes.

Early morning is a good time to practice cancer yoga

Early morning is the ideal time to practice yoga


Practice on a flat floor, not in bed, using a yoga mat is best. If you don’t have a yoga mat, you can use a soft mat instead and spread it on the floor.

The place to practice yoga should be clean and cool. In the summer, the practitioner can use a fan. When the weather turns cold, you should avoid fans and drafts.


Practitioners should be quiet when practicing yoga, not talking, not doing mental activities and not listening to music. Quietness helps you maintain energy as well as focus when practicing.


Yoga usually has 2 forms of rest: a short break of about 6-8 seconds is done between 2 rounds of a yoga pose or between one pose and another. The practitioner will rest with 2 breaths at the time of completing a pose.

A long break will be taken at the end of the exercise. A general rule of thumb for rest time would be to spend ¼ of the time practicing. For example, if you practice yoga for 20 minutes, your relaxation time is 5 minutes.

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Why should cancer patients practice yoga?

Cancer treatment is a long and arduous journey for both patients and their loved ones. Recent studies show that yoga has the potential to help cancer patients.

The patients in the survey all answered that yoga helps strengthen resistance and reduce unwanted side effects during treatment. Practicing this subject also reduces discomfort and fatigue in the body, and gives strength to fight disease.

This subject consumes less energy and limits injuries. Therefore, yoga is a very gentle but effective practice method for patients.

Benefits of yoga to cure cancer

The yoga practice that appeared thousands of years ago in India and spread all over the world has shown great benefits for human health, especially for cancer patients.

Eliminate toxins from cancer treatment

Yoga is used as a therapy to help remove toxins accumulated during cancer treatment. Gentle movements combined with breathing will stimulate the muscles, increase blood flow, balance the glands, increase the flow of white blood cells and red blood cells in the body. All of these factors help to enhance the body’s purification process.

Therapies to remove toxins

Yoga is a therapy that helps eliminate accumulated toxins effectively

Reducing fatigue for cancer patients

Perhaps when you have undergone a long process of cancer treatment with various methods, it is difficult for you to avoid fatigue because the body has to stretch to fight the attack of cancer cells, the effects of cancer. side effects and complications of those methods.

Right now, you will need a measure to immediately reduce the fatigue of the body. Then, yoga will be a great choice. Some studies have shown that patients who do yoga every day have a very good effect on reducing fatigue.

Reduce stress

Fighting a life-threatening illness is what causes increased physical, emotional, and mental stress. Therefore, patients need to practice yoga to limit this problem.

Practicing yoga helps to be optimistic

Practicing yoga will help you feel more optimistic

One study found that practicing a 7-week yoga routine can reduce mood disturbances by up to 65%. It is from this stress reduction that will help improve quality of life, increase sensitivity, decrease appetite, increase appetite and increase pain tolerance.

Physical improvement

Sadness in limbs, body aches and pains are probably common conditions of cancer patients. Performing yoga exercises regularly can help you improve your health and organ function.

From there, the patient will feel healthier and the cancer treatment results will be better. In addition, daily yoga practice can also help reduce blood fat, limit bone and joint problems common in the elderly and cancer patients.

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Sleep better

Good sleep for cancer patients is probably their wish and desire. The reason for this is that both physical and mental stress make it difficult to sleep.

If poor sleep is prolonged, the body’s recovery and healing process will therefore slow down. At this time, yoga exercises will be a “panacea” to help you improve insomnia and feel more relaxed at night.

Reference source

Yoga: What You Need To Know Accessed: March 17, 2020

Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life Accessed: March 17, 2020

Yoga for Arthritis Accessed: 17/3/2020

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