Obesity: Causes, harm and treatment of obesity

Today, the apartment fattigue has become popular. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Vietnam is gradually increasing. Not only causing loss of confidence in appearance, obesity also increases the risk of dangerous chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, and cancer. However, few people understand the root cause of this disease. Let’s learn more about Ocany fattigue in the article below.

Obesity: Causes, harm and treatment of obesity

Obesity: Causes, harm and treatment of obesity

What is obesity?

Do you know about the disease? What is obesity? Are not? Obese people have excess fat accumulation and harmful to health. So, fattigue will be evident in the body weight compared to the standard weight based on the height of a healthy person.

But this does not mean that the average person will not have excess fat accumulation. In fact, the body always stores a certain amount of fat to use when needed. Fat can be converted into energy for the functioning of organs and the body. At the same time, fat also plays a role in retaining heat and protecting organs from shock. However, when this accumulation of fat is too large, it interferes with the functioning of the organs.

Obesity levels and BMI

To categorize fattigue, people use the weight index BMI. The formula for calculating this index is quite simple and can fairly accurately estimate the amount of fat in the body.

BMI = Weight / (Height x height) = kg/m2

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a classification index for overweight and obesity:

  • BMI from 25 to 29.9: overweight
  • BMI 30 or more: Obese

Abdomen, waist, thighs and chest are the areas where fat usually accumulates first. With severe obesity, excess fat will accumulate throughout the patient’s body.

>>> See more: How to calculate the most accurate and standard BMI

BMI can identify and assess obesity

BMI can identify and assess obesity

Causes of obesity

Causes of obesity very diverse. Changes in body weight indicate that weight gain will occur if energy intake is greater than energy expenditure.

About genes

Recent studies show that overweight and obese genetic inheritance (polygenic inheritance). If the father and mother are fattigue There is an 80% chance that your child will be obese. However, there are about 7% of people fattigue while the parents are normal.

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According to statistics, the reason why children gain weight quickly is partly related to audio-visual media such as television, phones, games, etc. Even schools are less interested in physical subjects.

Due to neuroendocrine

Neuroendocrine is also a group obesity causes Frequent:

  • The hypothalamus
  • Hyperadrenocorticism (HC Cushing).
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Polycystic ovary is associated with increased blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, increased androgens, insulin resistance and obesity in 50% of patients.
  • Endocrine pancreas (insulinoma): Due to increased insulin causes low blood sugar and the patient has to eat a lot leading to weight gain.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Genital hypertrophy syndrome

Patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders such as: Menopause, adrenocortical tumor, dyslipidemia (lipid), sugar metabolism disorders, etc. will stimulate adipose tissue formation. The formation of adipose tissue in the body leads to an increased need for sugar and insulin. The increase of these two substances stimulates the formation of adipose tissue and forms a pathological spiral that is difficult to treat.

Obesity can be a symptom of a number of underlying medical conditions

Obesity can be a symptom of a number of underlying medical conditions

Genetic obesity

Leptin-producing gene mutation or Leotin Receptor mutation. Other gene mutations:

  • Me – Receptors.
  • POMC fusion gene.
  • Prohormone convertase-1 gene (PC-1).

Things that obese people have to face

People with obesity have to face many things in life. Besides, you will encounter many other diseases when you are overweight and obese. Let’s find out with Ocany what are the diseases and harmful effects of obesity.

Feeling self-conscious

Overweight and obese people often lack confidence in communication and are afraid to appear in public. This feeling greatly affects the quality of life as well as work productivity.


Overweight and obese people are prone to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, chronic pain due to the pressure from body weight on bones and joints. In particular, the knee joint and the spine are the two earliest damaged parts. People with disease fattigue It is also very easy to get gout.


Obesity has been shown to be associated with type 2 diabetes, because it causes insulin resistance (the hormone that regulates blood sugar and quickly delivers glucose into cells for use as energy) and is a direct cause of diabetes. type 2 diabetes in overweight and obese people.

Obesity has been shown to be associated with type 2 diabetes

Obesity has been shown to be associated with type 2 diabetes

>>> See more: 10 signs of diabetes you should not ignore

Cardiovascular disease

The harmful effects of obesity also present in cardiovascular diseases. Fattigue often accompanied by dyslipidemia, also known as hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol. When cholesterol is high, it will cause fibrosis of blood vessels, stroke, high blood pressure, myocardial infarction.

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On the other hand, the heart of an obese person has to work harder to pump enough blood to the body, which in the long run puts an overload on the heart. Therefore, obese people are more prone to cardiovascular diseases. Currently, many cases of complications of fattigue is the leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease.

Memory decline

Fattigue affect neurological function in both adults and children. Obese adults are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. Obese children often have lower IQs and are less flexible.

Digestive diseases

If you are wondering What diseases does obesity cause? Digestion is the leading disease. Overweight and obesity Excess fat accumulates on the intestinal loops excessively, impairing activity and causing hemorrhoids and constipation.

In the long run, when feces and toxic waste accumulate for a long time, it increases the risk of colon cancer. Fat accumulation in the liver causes fatty liver disease, if not treated in time, can lead to cirrhosis. Fat metabolism disorders cause kidney stones.

Obesity increases the risk of gastrointestinal diseases

Obesity increases the risk of gastrointestinal diseases

>>> See more: 23+ foods that are easy to digest, good for the gut

Endocrine disorders

Obese men often suffer from physiological weakness and infertility. Women who are overweight and obese are prone to menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, difficulty getting pregnant, and are at high risk of infertility. Once pregnant, pregnant women are also prone to difficulty giving birth, the baby may be born with genetic obesity and metabolic disorders.

Respiratory disease

Excessive fat accumulation in the abdomen, thorax and diaphragm is the cause of breathing difficulties in humans fattigue. More dangerously, if obesity is severe, breathing difficulties can worsen and cause Pickwick syndrome, which puts patients with sleep apnea and is at high risk of death.

In addition, the functioning of the respiratory organs due to the obstruction of excess fat also has problems, causing symptoms of snoring, sleep apnea, sleep disturbances, etc.


What are the harmful effects of obesity? Are not? When blood cholesterol is high, excess fat will make the immune system work less, disease resistance and a higher risk of cancer. Many studies have shown the relationship between fattigue and uterine cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer, etc.

How to treat obesity

In uncomplicated patients with obesity, reduced eating and exercise are the first indications for treatment. If reducing food intake and exercising do not achieve the desired effect, medication and other interventions should be indicated.

Reducing eating and combining exercise is the first indication for treatment

Reducing eating and combining exercise is the first indication for treatment

  • Reduce eating: Limit energy and divide the diet into several meals, balance the diet of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, limit simple sugars, trans fats, saturated fats, etc.
  • Increase exercise: Exercise helps reduce blood lipids and well control blood pressure and blood sugar. The appropriate time to practice is about 60-75 minutes per day.
  • Use of drugs: Medicines are only used to support measures to reduce eating and increase exercise. In fact, most cases of overweight and obesity should not be treated with drugs because of many side effects. Moreover, drug treatment requires a long course of treatment and not everyone is effective when using drugs.
  • Other interventions: Fattigue may cause restriction in activities in overweight people. At this time, some special treatment measures can be applied such as jejunostomy shunt surgery, abdominal fat removal surgery, balloon placement in the stomach, small stomach stitches.
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How to prevent obesity?

To have good health and a good-looking figure, you need to understand what obesity is and maintain a stable weight is essential:

For room fattigue and have a healthy body, do the following:

Healthy lifestyle

If you don’t know how to prevent obesityyou can change your living habits like.

A healthy lifestyle is essential for obese patients

A healthy lifestyle is essential for obese patients

  • Keep the spirit always comfortable, optimistic and away from stress;
  • Do not sit for too long, get up and move, walk or do gentle sports;
  • Regularly monitor your weight to adjust your diet and exercise properly.

Scientific diet

  • It is necessary to eat enough meals, on time and especially not to skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast will make the body tired and stimulate to eat more at the next meal.
  • Limit the use of processed foods, animal organs, alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, etc. Reduce the consumption of energy foods derived from fat and sugar.
  • Increase your fiber intake as well as legumes, nuts and whole grains.

Practice regularly

  • You should create a habit of exercising every day to have a toned, healthy body and limit excess fat.
  • However, do not exercise too much, but refer to the exercise regime that is suitable for your health and working time conditions.
  • Suitable sports to choose are: yoga, swimming, gym, jogging, walking, …

Fattigue is reducing the quality of life of many people. However, it is not as scary as you think. Ocany with this article, you have understood more about this pathology. Form for yourself healthy habits, a balanced diet to stay healthy and confident in life.

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