If you have a fever, what should you drink to reduce fever and restore health?

Fever is a sign that the immune system is fighting off pathogens. If you have a mild fever, you can treat yourself at home by drinking plenty of fluids, taking nutritional supplements or using some fever-reducing medications. The simplest method is rehydration, but did you know? What should I drink if I have a fever? Not yet? Let’s find out with Ocany now!

If you have a fever, what should you drink to reduce fever and restore health?

If you have a fever, what should you drink to reduce fever and restore health?

If you have a fever, what water should you drink to quickly reduce fever and restore health?

Causes of fever

Normal body temperature will be around 37 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises from 37.5 to 40 degrees Celsius, it means you have a fever. However, most cases of fever can be treated at home. But if treated incorrectly, when the temperature is too high, it can easily lead to many serious symptoms and even death.

There are many causes of fever, most of which are due to infection. Usually people divide fevers into 2 types: fever for a few days or fever that lasts a long time. Can you take medicine? fever-reducing drink to reduce fever.

One of the main causes of fever is an infection

One of the main causes of fever is an infection

Some common causes:

  • Mouth and throat: Teething baby, tonsillitis, sore throat;
  • Respiratory system: Bronchitis, pleurisy, lung abscess;
  • Kidney – urinary tract infections: Nephritis, cystitis, acute glomerulonephritis;
  • Arthritis, muscle, rheumatic heart disease;
  • Meningococcal infection;
  • Dengue fever, typhus, malaria, relapsing fever;
  • Typhoid, flu, tuberculosis.

Why do you need to drink a lot of water when you have a fever?

When What should I drink if I have a fever? And why do we need to drink a lot of water? People often say that when you have a fever, you need to drink a lot of water. When the body has a fever, the temperature will increase, a large amount of water in the body will be lost through breathing and perspiration.

To avoid dehydration, you need to constantly rehydrate. You can suck on shaved ice if your body has problems retaining water.

What to drink with a fever is a common question asked by many people

What to drink with a fever is a common question asked by many people

What should I drink if I have a fever?

Not everyone knows What should I drink if I have a fever?. Fever is a common condition, but many people do not know how to treat it at home properly. The water here is not necessarily filtered water, but also electrolyte-replenishing water, adding minerals to help the body recover faster.

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Fruit is an extremely good food for the body. When you are sick and cannot eat fresh fruit directly, fruit juice is a great choice. Vitamin C-rich flowers such as oranges, pineapples, carrots, and apples are juices you can try.

When using fruit juice, you can both rehydrate, electrolytes, and strengthen resistance. However, with orange and pineapple juice, you should not take it on an empty stomach to avoid high amounts of acid that can damage the stomach. It is also advisable to limit the use of juices with medications because it can reduce the drug’s effect.

Fruit juice is the answer to fever, what should you drink?

Fruit juice is the answer to fever, what should you drink?

Bean juice

A choice when you don’t know What should I drink if I have a fever? It’s water made from beans. Beans such as black beans, green beans, red beans, … when used can help the body cool down, feel healthier and more comfortable. You can add a little salt to make the sauce more delicious.

Lettuce water

What do you drink when you have a fever?? You can try drinking lettuce juice. Lettuce is a vegetable with cool, detoxifying and antipyretic properties. You can grind raw and add a little salt, if you like to drink sweet, you can add alum sugar, rice water. Note that if the fever is accompanied by a bowel movement, you should avoid using lettuce because the disease may be more severe.

Lettuce is a cool, detoxifying and effective antipyretic vegetable

Lettuce is a cool, detoxifying and effective antipyretic vegetable

Coconut water

One more hint if you don’t know What should I drink if I have a fever? It’s coconut water. Drinking coconut water has the same effect as taking oresol. Coconut water will provide vitamin C, potassium and electrolytes.

One day, if you drink coconut water regularly, you can reduce fever and fatigue. However, when you have a fever but still have a full stomach, you should also avoid using too much coconut water.

Mineral water

Instead of just using filtered water, mineral water is also an ideal choice when you don’t know What do you drink with fever?. Mineral ionized water, electrolyte water at this time will help the body rehydrate quickly.

>>> See more: What is mineral water? Is mineral water good for the body?

Besides, they also add electrolytes to help the body feel less tired caused by fever. Using mineral water, ionized water also helps you strengthen your resistance to help cool down faster.

Mineral ions help replace electrolytes lost due to fever

Mineral ions help replace electrolytes lost due to fever

How to drink water to reduce fever quickly?

You should know What should I drink if I have a fever? and how to drink properly to reduce fever faster. It is not good to drink a lot of water. Here are some ways to drink water:

  • When you have a fever, you need to drink 1.5-2L of water/day. You can drink juice, oresol and some rehydration drinks.
  • It is necessary to divide the number of times to drink, but do not drink a large amount of water at once because it is easy to shock the body.
  • Avoid taking fruit juices with fever reducers.
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Some things to avoid when you have a fever

You already know What should I drink if I have a fever?Do you know what kind of drinks to limit and avoid when you have a fever? Let’s explore together.

Acoholic drink

When drinking alcoholic beverages, it is easy to dehydrate the body quickly. The fever has already lost a large amount of water, losing an extra amount of water when drinking alcohol will make the dehydration worse. Therefore, it is possible to limit the use of alcoholic beverages while having a fever.

When you have a fever, absolutely do not drink alcoholic beverages

When you have a fever, absolutely do not drink alcoholic beverages

Cold water

When you have a fever it is good to drink a lot of water but it will not be true in the case of cold water. If you drink cold water or drink too much, it will make your fever worse. For those who have a fever due to a gastrointestinal infection, drinking cold water can even be life-threatening.

Green tea

There is an active ingredient in tea that increases body temperature. If you drink green tea, especially strong tea, it will stimulate the brain, increase blood pressure and increase body temperature. Using tea with medicine also reduces the effect of antipyretic drugs. Therefore, you should avoid drinking tea when you have a fever.

If you have a fever, don't drink green tea

If you have a fever, don’t drink green tea

Drinking too many drinks at once

In fact, with mild fevers, it is not necessary to take medicine. If the cause of the fever is caused by other diseases and requires medication to treat, it is also advisable to avoid taking too many different medicines at the same time.

When taking too many drugs at once, the body will be under a great deal of pressure. The substances in these drugs also react with each other, reducing the drug’s effect. And absolutely do not arbitrarily buy drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

Hot spicy food

You know What should I drink if I have a fever?, and you should also limit certain foods when you have a fever. Although having a fever, the appetite will be reduced, eating hot spicy foods really stimulates the taste buds. But when there is a fever, the immune system decreases, the intake of hot spicy foods will cause serious damage to the digestive system. Therefore, wait until you are sick before enjoying hot spicy food.

There are quite a few people who still don’t know when What should I drink if I have a fever?. Hopefully through this article you can confidently overcome the fever. Although it is just simple knowledge, it will be very useful for your health care! Wish you all the best!

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