If you have a fever, should you drink orange juice? How to increase resistance?

At the time of season change, the weather changes erratically along with a decrease in resistance. The body is susceptible to viruses that cause high fever, sore throat, runny nose, etc. Everyone knows that vitamin C-rich foods are needed to increase resistance. So when Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? Are not? How to drink orange juice to increase resistance? Together Ocany Answer questions about drinking orange juice when you have a fever in this article!

Fever should drink orange juice to quickly recover health?

Fever should drink orange juice to quickly recover health?

The great benefits contained in oranges

Before answering the question Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? or not, we need to learn about the composition as well as the benefits that orange juice brings. This is the basis for explaining the questions at the beginning of the article.

According to the USDA nutrition documents, in 140g oranges contain about 73 calories and other nutrients such as:

  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Sodium: 13mg
  • Carbohydrates: 16.5g
  • Muscle matter: 2.8g
  • Sugar: 12g
  • Protein: 1.3g
  • Vitamin C: 82.7mg
  • Potassium: 232mg
  • Calcium: 06.2mg

The nutrients found in oranges bring many values ​​​​for health and organs in the body such as:


Orange juice is a “friendn” is great for the digestive system. Oranges provide a lot of fiber, prevent intestinal problems, enhance intestinal motility, thereby removing waste products from the body easily and relieve constipation.

In addition, an Australian study found that regular orange juice drinkers were about 50% less likely to develop cancer of the digestive system or stomach.

Orange juice is a great

Orange juice is a great “friend” for the digestive system

Immune System

Orange juice contains an abundant amount of vitamin C necessary for the body. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, functions like an antioxidant, damaging or neutralizing free radicals before they can harm the body’s systems.

In addition, vitamin C – ascorbic acid is one of the basic components of collagen, which contributes to the repair of cells and stimulates the growth of new tissues in the body.

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Liver and kidney function

Along with vitamin C, orange juice is also quite high in vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant. It aids in detoxification of the body by enhancing the function of the kidneys and liver.

According to experts, orange juice contains citric acid and citrate that reduce the risk of precipitation causing kidney stones. Plus its alkalizing properties, orange juice cleanses the blood and dissolves waste products in the kidneys. With the help of enzymes, orange juice can cleanse the digestive tract and liver, which improves nutrient absorption and enhances liver function.

Orange juice supports detoxification of the body, enhances liver and kidney function

Orange juice supports detoxification of the body, enhances liver and kidney function

Circulatory and hematopoietic

Folate in oranges is especially important in making DNA and stimulating the growth of new cells. Folate also keeps cells protected from mutations, aids in the building of new red blood cells, in addition stimulates blood flow to the extremities, provides adequate oxygen to the organs, and help them work more efficiently.

Fights and reduces inflammation

Thanks to the presence of hesperetin as well as naringenin, orange juice can be a reasonable choice for people with arthritis. Both of these flavonoids can reduce inflammation levels and therefore potentially provide long-term pain relief.

Control excess sugar

Orange juice is often recommended for Type II Diabetics because it contains less sugar and has diuretic properties, which help control excess sugar in the body. In addition, the vitamin C content helps increase resistance and minimize complications caused by diabetes such as infections, vision problems.

Orange juice is recommended for patients with Type II Diabetes

Orange juice is recommended for patients with Type II Diabetes

Cardiovascular system

Orange juice contains potassium and magnesium, both nutrients that help stabilize blood pressure levels. In addition, oranges contain a substance called hesperidin, which can lower levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), thereby reducing the risk of developing heart disease.

Furthermore, a current study has found that people who regularly drink orange juice every day are about 20% less likely to have stroke problems, but more research and scientific reports are needed. to verify this effect.

Against aging

The vitamin C-rich composition of oranges is the secret to beauty, maintaining the youthful features that women have been looking for for a long time. In addition to increasing resistance, vitamin C helps stimulate the body to increase collagen production under the skin – an important protein that plays a role in maintaining elasticity, smoothness and firmness of the skin.

At the same time, vitamin C also acts as a strong antioxidant, destroying free radicals that damage the skin, effectively slowing down the aging process.

Ingredients rich in vitamin C is the secret to preserving youth

Ingredients rich in vitamin C is the secret to preserving youth

Teeth, bones and muscles

Vitamin deficiency is one of the leading causes of bone and joint problems. In addition, uric acid build-up in the bones can also lead to arthritis, causing pain and discomfort.

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According to doctors, drinking orange juice regularly can help the body eliminate uric acid, thereby preventing the risk of gout or arthritis. However, it is necessary to consume juice in its pure form, without added sugar or other calorie-containing additives.

Besides, the habit of drinking orange juice helps strengthen tooth enamel and root health, fighting bacteria and infections in the oral cavity.

Improve cholesterol

Poor eating habits can lead to high cholesterol levels, causing dangerous health problems. The fiber in oranges is very good for improving and maintaining cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition to fiber, the flavonoid content is as high as Polythoxylated flavones in orange juice also work to safely lower cholesterol levels.

However, to improve cholesterol you need to combine with regular exercise habits to enhance overall health.

Orange juice helps improve cholesterol levels in the body

Orange juice helps improve cholesterol levels in the body

Here are all the health benefits of orange juice. So do people with fever get all of these benefits? bag Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? Are not? Let’s continue to find the correct answer!

Should I drink orange juice if I have a fever?

As shared, oranges are rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of enhancing resistance. With just one cup of orange juice, we get almost 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. So many people think that having a fever should drink orange juice. The truth is Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? or not?

The answer is YES, but you need to remember the following information:

  • Do not drink orange juice when hungry: this inadvertently increases the amount of acid in the stomach, causing damage to the stomach lining.
  • Do not take with medicine: because the active ingredients in orange juice can destroy or reduce the effect of treatment drugs.
  • Do not drink orange juice with milk when fever: because it is easy to cause flatulence, digestive disorders.

Don’t worry too much about the problem Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? or not? In addition to orange juice, you can use filtered water, mineral water or electrolyte water to meet the body’s water needs.

If you have a fever, should you drink orange juice, should or should you not?

If you have a fever, should you drink orange juice, should or should you not?

Other foods containing vitamin C content not inferior to oranges that you can find, include: green peppers, cantaloupe, guava, tomatoes, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, grapefruit. If you really want to use oranges, you should eat the whole fruit for fiber instead of orange juice.

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So, you have found the answer to Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? or not right? Ocany will share more about how to drink orange juice properly to protect health in the next section.

How to drink orange juice properly to protect health

Drinking large amounts of orange juice regularly is not recommended. To promote health, prevent disease. You should only drink a sufficient amount of orange juice every day, not too much.

  • Adult: about 200 ml/day
  • Children: 80ml/day

People who are suffering from diabetes or arthritis need to consult a specialist to receive the correct advice on the amount of orange juice that can be used each day.

Notes not to be missed when drinking orange juice

Some notes compiled from practical experience that many people have:

Notes not to be missed when drinking orange juice

Notes not to be missed when drinking orange juice

Do not drink orange juice when hungry

Citrus fruits like oranges are usually acidic. Consuming acidic foods on an empty stomach will harm the stomach, making stomach pain worse.

Do not drink orange juice after eating

After eating, the stomach secretes digestive juices tohandle “The food that you take in from a meal. If you drink orange juice or any other type of water, the digestive juices will be diluted, hindering the digestion of food. The best time to drink orange juice is 1 hour after a full meal.

Do not drink orange juice close to bedtime

Orange juice has diuretic properties, if taken before bedtime will affect sleep, causing sleep disruption and nocturia.

Do not drink orange juice with milk

Protein in milk will bind with tartaric acid in orange juice, causing bloating, gas, and indigestion.

Hope the content in the article is Should you drink orange juice if you have a fever? or not the above will help you, especially those who are infected with fever virus. In addition to oranges, you can refer to other vitamin C-rich foods mentioned in the article and note the 4 Not specified at the end of the article to avoid harm to health when using orange juice!

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