How many calories in lemon juice? Drink lemon water to lose weight

How many calories in lemon juice? Drinking lemon water helps promote weight loss and is a common part of many diets. However, many women still may not know how to drink lemon to lose weight properly. The recipes for making lemonade for weight loss are also very diverse. So, if you are planning to lose weight with lemon juice, do not skip this article.

How many calories in lemon juice?  Drink lemon water to lose weight

How many calories in lemon juice? Drink lemon water to lose weight

How many calories in lemon juice?

In 1 cup of lemon water contains only 11 calories and using lemon juice to replace other drinks such as milk tea and soft drinks is a way to reduce 100 to 200 calories in your body.

Nutritional composition of lemons

Lemons are rich in nutrients and vitamins

Lemons are rich in nutrients and vitamins

Although lemon is a small fruit, lemon is very rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C. A lemon of about 67 grams contains:

  • Calories: 20
  • Starch: 7 grams
  • Fat: 0.1grams
  • Fiber: 1.9grams
  • Protein 0.5grams
  • Vitamin C: 22% of the Daily Value (RDI)
  • Iron: 2% RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 2% RDI
  • Calcium: 2% RDI
  • Potassium: 1% RDI

Benefits of lemon water

Let’s find out what are the benefits of lemon water!

Low calorie level

A glass of lemonade with very low calories. Squeezing ½ juice from half a lemon into water contains only 6 calories. For this reason, if you swap high-calorie drinks like soda (49ml contains 182 calories) or orange juice (237ml contains 110 calories) for lemon juice, this can be a great way to get Cut calories and help you lose weight.

As you know, lemon contains quite a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin C also helps the body synthesize carnitine, which transports fatty acids into the mitochondria, helping the body oxidize fat to create energy. One study showed the effect of honey lemon water on lipid profile and body composition in 50 participants.

These people were aged 18–29, they were fasted for 4 days and given only 300ml of honey lemon juice 4 times a day. The results of the study showed that consuming honey lemon water significantly reduced weight and body mass index (BMI), free-form fat mass (FFM), fat mass (FM), total serum triglycerides (TSTGs) in healthy individuals and it is also useful for both the prevention of obesity and hypertriglyceridemia.

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Another study on lemon polyphenols that helped prevent diet-induced obesity showed that polyphenol antioxidants significantly reduced weight gain in rats fed too much fat. .

Experts suggest adding lemon to help prevent weight gain and accumulation of body fat, thereby preventing and improving obesity, insulin resistance caused by eating too much fat.

Lemon boosts metabolism

Mixing lemon juice with water can help boost your metabolism

Mixing lemon juice with water can help boost your metabolism

Mixing lemon juice with water can help boost your metabolism. Due to increased water intake, increased hydration leads to a decrease in body weight. A review of how increased hydration may be related to weight loss has shown that increased hydration helps us enhance mitochondrial function. This type of organelle, when we increase the activity, will increase the lipolysis process, from which the body will create energy.

A study on how water induced thermogenesis in the body also showed that drinking 500ml of water per day increased metabolic rate by 30% in 30 to 40 minutes by generating heat. Experts also say that drinking 2 liters of water a day will help increase energy expenditure by 95 calories.

Create a feeling of satiety

Drinking lemon water is recommended as part of any weight loss regimen, as it can promote satiety without the need for calories. One study looked at the effects of lemon juice on calorie intake in 24 overweight and obese older adults. Research shows that drinking 0.5 liters of diluted lemon juice 30 minutes before eating reduces the number of calories consumed during a meal by 13%.

One study found that drinking honey lemon water for breakfast had an effect on satiety. Results have shown that drinking water with meals reduces hunger and increases satiety. However, this effect will not be maintained after meals.

Lemon helps to remove harmful toxins from the body

Detoxing with lemon water is well known and widely used

Detoxing with lemon water is well known and widely used

The method of detoxification with lemon juice is well known and widely used. They found that, after use, the drink also improved skin tone, firmness, improved mood, and maintained an energetic state of mind. One of the reasons why lemon water works wonders is weight loss.

It can be said that very few people know this use of lemon. They wanted to lose weight with lemon first and happened to be provided with more information about detoxing the body. We also see that the stars have a standard body that chooses to detox to lose weight. Therefore, detox tea is also more and more popular and popular.

  • 11 detox recipes to detox, cool the liver, purify the body
  • 24 types of detox recipes to help you lose weight fast in 7 days effectively
  • What is Detox? 5 types of detox detox, extremely effective weight loss

Drinking lemon water helps to eliminate free radicals

Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, which acts as a natural antioxidant. It helps to eliminate harmful free radicals in the body, preventing many bad effects on your skin. Thus, drinking lemon water regularly will ensure you are equipped with a good health to fight wrinkles as well as the premature aging process.

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How to drink lemon water to lose weight effectively

How to drink lemon water to lose weight effectively

How to drink lemon water to lose weight effectively

In order for lemon juice to work well, doctors recommend that we drink it at the following times:

  • In the morning right after waking up, for people with stomach pain or stomach-related diseases, they should consult a doctor before doing it.
  • Drink 30 minutes after lunch or dinner to make food easier to digest.
  • Drink immediately after exercise to re-hydrate the body.

Instructions on how to make lemonade for weight loss

Lemonade for weight loss is prepared from simple recipes, does not take too much time and the ingredients are also easy to find, you can refer to some of the recipes below.

Diluted lemon juice

You already know how many calories lemon water has for weight loss. This is a formula that many women use every day because of its convenience. You just need to squeeze 1 lemon into 1 liter of filtered water, so use warm water to be able to best absorb the nutrients in lemon, then you have 1 glass of lemonade to lose weight.

Besides, you can replace the filtered water you drink daily with diluted lemon water which can also help increase resistance but also support the weight loss process very well.

Fresh lemonade with ginger or lemongrass

Fresh lemonade with ginger or lemongrass

Fresh lemonade with ginger or lemongrass

Ginger is considered a “golden” ingredient to help support weight loss, mixing ginger and lemon juice will have the aroma of ginger and make a glass of water more attractive. Just remove the ginger skin and cut it into thin slices, pour water and ginger into a pot and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat, let the water cool, then squeeze the lemon into it to taste. To make the water easier to drink, you can add a little honey, but absolutely do not add sugar.

Honey lemonade

Honey provides antioxidants, along with vitamins B2, vitamins B3 and B6 needed by the body, helps reduce triglycerides and is used to replace sugar very well. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and 250ml of warm water, then stir well to have a weight loss drink immediately.

Mint and cucumber lemonade

If you like your lemonade to have more flavor, you can also try making detox water with mint and cucumber, then you can combine it with fruits like apples, watermelons, pineapples, etc. This ingredient will help you detox, lose weight and can stimulate your taste buds.

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How to make detox lemon mint and cucumber is very simple, you just need to wash the ingredients and slice them, put all the above ingredients in a glass jar and then pour in filtered water. Finally, keep it in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours and you can enjoy a very healthy drink. If you drink the first batch of water, you can also add more filtered water, then put it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour and enjoy again.

Some important notes when using lemon juice

Some important notes when using lemon juice

Some important notes when using lemon juice

How many calories in lemon juice to lose weight effectively, in addition to being low in calories, the best way is that you should combine it with a scientific and nutritious diet, full of substances for the body such as protein, crystals flour or fat in a meal.

Although lemon juice also helps to burn fat, you should not ignore physical exercises. Exercise regularly to stay in shape.

In addition, you should not overuse lemons, fast or only drink lemon water to lose weight because it can cause acid reflux, damage tooth enamel as well as affect the digestive tract.

Experts recommend that each day should only drink less than 2 lemons and dilute with water, do not drink juice because lemons contain a lot of citric acid, which can damage stomach ulcers.

Through the above article, we have provided information about how many calories in lemon water for you with the lemon weight loss method. It should be noted ways to add lemon juice to your menu. In addition, you can also use more effective and cool weight loss drinks to combine.

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