How many calories in BONCHA honey tea? Does drinking make you fat?

Does drinking BONCHA honey tea make you fat or how many calories does boncha honey tea have? Boncha honey tea has been researched and developed by Uniben for many years, along with a modern and closed production line. The product has been certified to ensure food safety and hygiene. Together Ocany Learn more about this honey tea!

How many calories in BONCHA honey tea?  Does drinking make you fat?

How many calories in BONCHA honey tea? Does drinking make you fat?

Ingredients in BONCHA honey tea

BONCHA honey tea is produced by modern and advanced production lines with strict product quality control process. With natural ingredients extracted from whole green tea, pure honey and refreshing fruit juice. Users can be assured of the quality and safety of their health. BONCHA honey tea is currently available in three unique flavors: lemon, kumquat and blueberry.

Ingredients in BONCHA honey tea

Ingredients in BONCHA honey tea

With these ingredients, what are the uses of BONCHA honey tea?

BONCHA honey tea helps improve brain function

Green tea and honey is not only a rejuvenating drink but also makes you smarter as it is good for your brain function. Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in green tea. When combined with honey, it enhances the taste as well as adds vitamins that are good for your brain health.

The presence of two ingredients in green tea will help improve concentration as the nerve cells will be better utilized. The green tea and honey in BONCHA tea help improve your brain reaction time and memory. Green tea with honey is incredibly good for your brain health. Remember, the caffeine in green tea is in much less quantities than in coffee. Therefore, it helps to stabilize your brain and increase concentration.

BONCHA honey tea helps burn fat in the body effectively

A lot of women are looking for things that can help them reduce their excess calories. The good news for you is that drinking green tea and honey can help you do just that. Green tea increases the metabolism inside the body and honey reduces the amount of calories entering your body. By combining these two, BONCHA honey tea helps to increase the efficiency of fat burning in the body by about 17%.

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BONCHA honey tea helps prevent the risk of cancer

BONCHA honey tea helps prevent the risk of cancer

BONCHA honey tea helps prevent the risk of cancer

One of the key health benefits of drinking BONCHA honey green tea is that the combination creates an antioxidant that is essential for good health. The uncontrolled multiplication of damaged cells in the body over a long period of time can lead to cancer.

Green tea will help the body produce antioxidants that prevent the proliferation of damaged cells. In addition, drinking BONCHA honey green tea regularly not only prevents the effects of cancer but also alleviates the symptoms of cancer.

BONCHA tea helps improve oral health

Most people are concerned about tooth decay and other dental problems. Catechin found in green tea and BONCHA honey will be effective in improving oral health. Plaque and other dental problems are mainly caused by the bacteria streptococcus mutans.

The catechins in green tea combined with honey will reduce the effect of these bacteria, improving oral health. This is one of the health benefits of drinking BONCHA honey green tea.

Good for bones

Osteoporosis is a problem that scares most people. Especially for older women whose bone health is declining. Drinking honey green tea not only enhances the taste but is also good for your bones because our body can actively produce antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that help protect muscle tissue and make bones better. Enhances the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

How many calories in 1 bottle of BONCHA honey tea?

How many calories in 1 bottle of BONCHA honey tea?

How many calories in 1 bottle of BONCHA honey tea?

Boncha honey tea has a sweet and sour taste thanks to the addition of fruit juice ingredients imported directly from Europe. Besides the cool lemon flavor, Boncha also has many strange flavors such as honey tea combined with sweet kumquat peel, or blueberry honey tea with a unique taste.

The combination of pure honey and whole-leaf green tea mixed with lemon, kumquat, and blueberry juice makes Boncha an effective refreshment on a hot summer day. So how many calories does BONCHA honey tea have?

According to the information stated on the product’s packaging, in 100ml of BONCHA honey green tea contains about 20 calories. Thus, 1 bottle of BONCHA honey tea 500ml will be equivalent to 100 calories. It can be seen that the calories in this honey tea are average, not too high and not too low.

Does drinking BONCHA honey tea make you fat?

Does drinking BONCHA honey tea make you fat?

Does drinking BONCHA honey tea make you fat?

The cool, refreshing “waves” of BONCHA honey tea will surely help you quench your thirst immediately, “smashing” the summer heat. The creative combination of 100% pure honey and whole leaf green tea mixed with fresh fruit juices such as lemon, kumquat, blueberry must be called the “top” in the “universe” of refreshment.

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Pure honey is considered a precious material of nature because not only of its delicious taste, but also of many health benefits. Honey will contain almost no fat, protein or fiber, instead honey provides a large amount of calories and sugar along with antioxidants, vitamins and essential minerals for the body such as calcium and potassium. , phosphorus, zinc… very good for the digestive system. In addition to the healing and health benefits, honey also has the effect of beauty, skin care, anti-aging.

Honey when combined with green tea will bring many unexpected effects, helping you to purify the body, prevent cancer, keep the mind awake as well as good for teeth and joints. The caffeine in green tea combined with honey not only gives a rejuvenating drink but also makes you smarter because it’s good for brain function and helps improve concentration.

Does drinking BONCHA honey tea gain weight?

Drink honey tea BONCHA

Drinking BONCHA honey tea properly not only helps you have good health but also helps you lose weight effectively

The question is how many calories in BONCHA honey tea? Does drinking honey tea make you fat? The answer is that if you drink it properly, it will definitely not cause weight gain. Because according to nutrition experts, an average adult will need to load about 2000 calories per day to serve activities. These calories are divided among 3 main meals of the day, equivalent to about 667 calories per meal.

Meanwhile, 1 bottle of BONCHA honey tea only contains 100 calories, this amount of calories will be much lower than the calories that the body needs. Moreover, this honey tea beverage is extracted from natural green tea leaves, so it is considered very good for health and does not cause weight gain. Therefore, you can rest assured when choosing this drink.

However, you need to know one thing that drinking green tea will not affect your weight too much. But whether you gain or lose weight depends on the foods that you add during the day and the exercise regime. Therefore, if you do not want to gain weight, as well as help lose weight effectively, you need to build yourself a scientific and reasonable diet and exercise.

Drinking a lot of BONCHA honey tea is good?

That answer is yes. Because honey tea has been proven by researchers to be among 6 very beneficial drinks for health. The reason is because tea contains the compound EGCG, which has been scientifically proven to bring many benefits to human health.

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Accordingly, when you drink honey tea, it will help reduce stress, stress, fatigue as well as help prevent the risk of cancer, heart disease, and eliminate toxins on the skin. , helps skin become beautiful, soft, smooth, …

Although honey tea has many health benefits and is also a safe and benign drink. But not so that you use it every day in large doses. Because if you drink too much and use it for a long time, it can cause insomnia, make the body tired, weak, even cause osteoporosis because the caffeine in tea can block the absorption of calcium.

In addition, people with pre-existing conditions such as heart failure, kidney failure, intestinal disorders should limit drinking.

According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, for adults, only 1 to 2 bottles should be used per day, and 0.5 bottles per day for children. The best time to drink BONCHA honey tea is after waking up, or right after exercise, and avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach or before meals.

Above is the share about BONCHA honey tea how many calories? Drinking honey tea is not fat and the benefits of this tea. Hope this article has provided you with more information about BONCHA honey tea.

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