Yoga includes many types according to the level from basic to advanced. In particular, hatha flow yoga is a type that helps beginners have a solid foundation to firmly step on the journey to conquer yoga.
Hatha flow yoga is another name for hatha yoga. This is an overarching term for many yoga movements. Vinyasa too, not a specific type.
Vinyasa is a very subtle approach to yoga. It combines different types of asanas or poses together by moving from one pose to another in a rhythmic manner. Below easyhealthylive.com will share what is hatha flow yoga. This type of practice is different from vinyasa.
What is Hatha flow yoga?
Hatha flow yoga is a combination of hatha yoga poses and rhythmic transitions. This is another name for hatha yoga. The style of hatha yoga is not limited to gentle practice.
In fact, hatha means intentional or forceful and is directed towards movements that are combined to improve the skin, muscles and bones, especially the spine, so that energy can flow easily. Hatha flow yoga has a slower tempo.
This type helps you create balance in the body, a combination of strength and flexibility. In each pose, you need to learn how to strike a balance between effort and acceptance.
Hatha yoga is a “good helper” for self-transformation. When doing this exercise, you must focus on the breath to control the fluctuations in your mind and be calm with the new element that appears from time to time.
Hatha yoga practice improves physical and mental health. You can even explore and experience the unknown in the rich spiritual world.
12 postures in hatha yoga
What is Vinyasa flow yoga?
Vinyasa means “flow” or movement. Vinyasa yoga became an extremely popular form of yoga. This type of yoga makes you stronger and more flexible, and also helps to improve muscles, increase confidence and self-image.
Over time, the conventional ashtanga vinyasa method was broken and innovative vinyasa styles were created. Vinyasa is not always a repetition of chaturanga and dandasana combined with downward facing and upward dog pose. In fact, it is the art of arranging yoga poses smoothly and delicately. Think of it like a choreography.
Vinyasa is a great type that requires you to do it carefully and link it up properly. If you are reckless, it can lead to some injuries during intense exercise. When you understand the proper meaning of vinyasa, it will help you to know when and how to move, when to be restrained.
One of the postures of vinyasa yoga
3. Distinguishing hatha yoga and vinyasa yoga
The same point
Compared to vinyasa, hatha yoga (or hatha flow yoga) is a slower form of yoga. If you see a class described as “hatha”, it will probably be gentle and relaxing. Vinyasa will be more fluent and fluent than hatha.
In both vinyasa and hatha exercises, you’ll encounter poses like warrior pose I and II, downward facing dog, bridge pose, and triangle pose.
The main difference between hatha yoga and vinyasa yoga is the speed and goal of the practice. According to Yoga magazine, hatha yoga exercises are created to align and calm the mind, body and spirit.
Depending on your fitness level, you may experience some difficulty. There is a misconception that hatha yoga is boring because of its gentle pace. However, it’s important to remember to focus on breathing and energy transfer.
Vinyasa yoga, on the other hand, is faster-paced because it requires you to move in conjunction with your breath, moving from one pose to another in a rhythmic manner. Vinyasa often repeats yoga poses and focuses on warming up the body and building strength.
A pose in hatha yoga
Hatha yoga & vinyasa yoga is not difficult, as long as you like it
Do you practice yoga at home through Youtube videos but no one corrects your posture? Or are you too busy and unable to attend classes?
Want to learn yoga but have not found a reputable place with reliable and experienced yogi instructors? easyhealthylive.com – an application that connects you with a professional trainer that will help you solve all your headaches when you choose to practice yoga.
Reference source
What’s the difference? Hatha yoga vs Vinyasa yoga
https://seattleyoganews.com/whats-the-difference-hatha-vs-vinyasa-yoga/ Accessed date: 11/2/2020
Hatha yoga vs Vinyasa
https://www.livestrong.com/article/364557-hatha-yoga-vs-vinyasa/ Accessed date: 11/2/2020

John Alen was born in 1971 and is a doctor in the healthcare and psychology fields with many years of experience. He is currently working at easyhealthylive.com, a leading health and psychology blog. Having studied at Y1 National Medical University named after IM Sechenov, John Alen is using his knowledge and experience to help improve the physical and mental health of people in the United States.