Everything you need to know about yoga rings before you buy

For yoga followers, the yoga ring is not a strange tool. However, if you are a beginner, you will be surprised at the benefits and interesting poses with this tool.

If you have a yoga ring, you can easily perform poses that require dexterity and balance. In particular, this bracelet can be used in different positions on the body, helping to expand the chest, stretch the thighs, hips, and abs. If you want to know more yoga exercises with rings, please follow the sharing below of LEEP. Please APP.

The effect of yoga circle

If you have ever been to yoga classes, surely the yoga round is not too strange. However, not everyone understands the effects as well as the appropriate postures for this tool.

The yoga ring is a circle that supports the performance of yoga movements. When using the ring in yoga exercises, you will easily bend your back in all positions because this yoga tool has the effect of expanding the front body such as shoulders, chest, abdomen. From there, it helps to increase strength, flexibility, support into a more convenient posture…

In particular, the yoga ring also helps to massage the spine, relieve back pain and support people with back injuries during exercise. When practicing, the yoga ring will allow you to perform backward but still supported movements, relax your muscles and align your spine.

Not only used to improve the flexibility of the back, the yoga ring also helps you increase your balance and challenge the flexibility of the body.

7 yoga poses you should try

Here are some fun yoga poses that you can try:

1. Baby Pose

Baby Pose

The benefit of Baby Pose is that it gently stretches the thighs, hips, and lower back. When incorporating a yoga ring into this pose, you can stretch your shoulders and chest very comfortably.


  • Kneel on the floor, toes touching, then sit on heels and knees hip-width apart.
  • Place the hoop between your knees and place your hands on top of the hoop.
  • Inhale, exhale, then roll the circle forward with your hands to stretch the spine
  • Pull yourself forward until your belly is between your thighs with your arms stretched out in front of you.
  • Relax your head and neck, then press your forehead against the mat to stretch your chest and shoulders more.
  • Hold the pose for 3 breaths.
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2. Cross-legged sitting posture

Cross-legged sitting posture

The cross-legged pose is a basic yoga pose that helps train a strong mind and steady breathing. The use of a support yoga ring will have the effect of expanding the chest, reducing the pressure between the shoulders and making it easier to bend backwards.


  • Sit up straight, keep the yoga ring in front of you, in line with your spine
  • Cross your legs in a comfortable position, letting your feet and pelvis touch the ground
  • Place your hands on your knees, palms facing up and close your eyes
  • Take a deep breath, exhale, and stretch your spine back until your back is on the ring. The back of the head is at the top of the ring.
  • Hold the pose and breathe deeply for 5 breaths. If you feel comfortable, you can sit longer.

3. Fish Pose

Fish Pose

The fish pose is great for expanding the chest and shoulder muscles. In this position, some people find it difficult to maintain the correct posture, others want to stretch their back more. Therefore, combining the use of yoga with rings for this pose is a reasonable solution to both of these problems.


  • Sit on the floor, back straight, legs extended in front of you.
  • Point your toes upwards and squeeze your inner thighs.
  • Place the exercise ring right behind your back, aligned and parallel to the spine, keeping your hands lightly in place. Inhale, exhale while leaning back and stretching the spine at the top of the ring, Release your arms to let the ring move with your body when arching your back.
  • Raise your hips up for more stretch. The exercise ring will support and massage the part of the spine between the shoulder blades.
  • Relax, let your head and neck rest on the ring.
  • Extend your arms, place them in a position where you feel comfortable, and create balance.
  • Hold the pose for about 3 breaths before returning to the starting position.

4. Back-up posture

Upside down posture with arched back

The yoga ring will support you a lot in back-bending exercises such as wheel pose, pigeon pose and especially back-bending face-up pose.


  • Sit up straight, bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor
  • Place the exercise ring behind your back so that it is parallel and in line with the spine. Place your hand halfway inside the hoop to keep it stationary.
  • Inhale, lean back against the hoop, and release your arms. Then, exhaling, press your heels into the ground and lift your hips up
  • Raise your arms above your head and bend your elbows
  • Continue to stretch the spine at the top of the hoop and let the ring roll between the shoulder blades. Once your arms are on the ground, try to adjust your forearms to the mat and grasp the yoga ring with both hands to keep it in place.
  • Relax your head and neck.
  • Use your inner thighs to keep your knees in line with your toes. You can stay in the same position or straighten one leg for more stretch.
  • Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths and then return to the starting position.
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5. Half pyramid pose

Half pyramid pose

If you find your hamstrings are too tight, you can stretch them to increase your body’s flexibility with poses like sitting forward bend, pyramid pose, and standing flexion. In addition to these poses, the half-pyramid pose with the yoga ring is also very effective.


  • Kneel on one knee on the floor, with the other knee bent at a 90-degree angle so that your feet are flat on the floor (like a proposal pose).
  • Straighten your back, place the yoga ring under the thigh of the front leg so that the ring touches the calf. Lift the front leg up and place the back of the calf in the loop.
  • Roll the circle forward with your arms so that the leg is fully extended while the ring is supportive near the ankle.
  • Rotate the foot that is resting on the ring, take a deep breath, and then stretch the spine.
  • Exhale and then lean your upper body forward while reaching your arms toward the ring or shins. Remember to keep your back straight when exercising.
  • Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths and then switch sides.

6. Lizard Pose

Lizard pose

Lizard pose is a great way to stretch the hamstrings, hip flexors, and hip extension. You can incorporate a yoga ring into this exercise to practice balance and stretch your hind legs more.


  • Kneel on one knee, with the other knee bent 90 degrees so that the foot is close to the ground. Lift your back foot off the mat and place the yoga ring under it so that it is near the ankle.
  • Inhale and tighten core muscles.
  • Exhale, lean forward, press your hands to the ground so that your hands are behind your front legs.
  • Inhale and use your back leg to hold the exercise ring.
  • Exhale, lift your knees off the ground and roll away to stretch your back leg.
  • Put your weight on your palms, straighten your toes, and try to stretch your spine as much as possible. If you want, you can also rotate your front knee outward to widen your hips.
  • Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths and then switch sides.

7. Crow Pose

Crow Pose

Crow pose requires a lot of balance and body awareness. When combined with a yoga round, this pose requires even more balance.


  • Place the yoga ring lying on the ground
  • Stand behind the ring, perform a squat position with your feet close together, heels not touching the ground
  • Extend your knees to the sides.
  • Lean your torso forward between your knees and grasp the yoga hoop with both hands.
  • Lean further forward and bend your elbows slightly so that your shins are in contact with the backs of your upper arms.
  • Close your inner thighs to your torso and try to bring your knees up as high as you can.
  • Lean forward more and shift the weight into your hands until you can lift your legs off the ground. If possible, extend your elbows.
  • Breathe steadily, squeeze your core muscles, and keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Hold the pose for at least 5 breaths or more if you feel comfortable.
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With the above sharing, hope you have learned some useful information about the yoga cycle. If you intend to try but don’t know where to start, don’t hesitate to download easyhealthylive.com and invite a private yoga teacher at home for detailed instructions.

Reference source

7 Ways to Use a Yoga Wheel https://www.verywellfit.com/ways-to-use-a-yoga-wheel-4156830 Accessed: 2/21/2020

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