Did you know that eating late at night can cause weight gain and raise blood sugar?

Many people think that eating at any time has the same calorie effect on the body and weight gain is due to providing more calories than the body needs. However, the reality is not so simple. A recent study has shown that eating time can affect weight, and if you eat dinner late, you are at risk of weight gain and blood sugar. What is the truth of this? Let’s see the sharing below with easyhealthylive.com to better understand this research.

According to a study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, late dinner can lead to weight gain and raise blood sugar levels. Specifically, the team selected healthy people and fed them dinner at two different times, while the researchers also controlled for food intake, diet, and sleep duration. The purpose of this was to determine if eating late actually changed metabolism in a way that caused weight gain.

Eat at the same time and sleep at the same time

The study was conducted with 20 healthy volunteers (10 men and 10 women) to find out how their bodies metabolized dinner eaten at 10 o’clock instead of 6 o’clock. During the study period, all participants went to bed at the same time at 11pm.

The results of the study showed that those who ate dinner at 10 o’clock had higher blood sugar and lower fat burning despite the same amount of food and portion sizes consumed by the two groups. Specifically, those who ate their dinner late had nearly 20 percent higher blood sugar and 10 percent less fat burning than those who ate their dinner early.

However, not everyone is like that…

late dinner

People who are used to going to bed early will be most affected by eating late

The most interesting part of this study is that researchers have found that each person responds to a late dinner in different ways. Study author Dr. Jonathan C. Jun, of Johns Hopkins University, shared that not everyone is affected by late dinner. When looking at the study participants’ schedules over the previous two weeks, the researchers found that those who were used to going to bed early were most likely to be affected by eating late. Meanwhile, people who often stay up and eat late at night do not seem to be affected. This proves that not everyone who eats dinner late will gain weight because everyone has differences in metabolism.

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In addition, according to Dr. Jonathan C. Jun, this study is considered to be more detailed than many previous studies. Participants wore activity trackers, had blood samples taken, underwent sleep studies, analyzed body fat, and ate foods containing well-defined substances to measure health. fat metabolism.

“All participants are closely monitored. We took blood every hour, we tracked their activity and sleep for 2 weeks before participating,” said Dr. Jun.

The results of the study are a warning to unscientific eating habits

According to experts, although this study was conducted with healthy young adults, it also provides useful information for building scientific eating habits. In addition, this study is also very significant in the prevention of many chronic diseases.

In particular, the results of the study are also a reminder to the unscientific eating habits of many people in modern life. Because not only the amount and portion of meals but also the timing of meals can greatly affect the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Besides, nowadays, for many people, dinner is the meal that contains the most calories of the day. The reason is because work is too busy, many people tend to skip breakfast and lunch. This makes them crave more in the evening. The consequence of this is that it can lead to some difficulty in metabolizing glucose or fat, even in young people of a healthy weight.

late dinner

Instead of eating the main meal at dinner, eat a lot for breakfast or lunch

For good health, experts recommend preparing a protein-rich snack if you come home late from work and eat late at night. You can eat a snack with half a sandwich, a cup of vegetable soup, salad, a piece of grilled chicken, fruit and a glass of low-fat milk. Also, instead of having your main meal at dinner, eat more for breakfast or lunch.

Eating late at night can cause weight gain and raise blood sugar levels. However, not everyone suffers, usually those who have the habit of going to bed early are most likely to gain weight while those who stay up late are rarely affected. This study is the strongest evidence yet that eating dinner late can cause weight gain. Experts say that after a long day at work, you should only eat a snack in the evening.

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