Depression before marriage: causes and ways to overcome

Pre-marital depression is very common, especially among women. This can have a serious impact on both your health and your marital life later in life. Therefore, you should soon find a way to control to get a more relaxed, happy and optimistic spirit.

pre-marital depression

Pre-marital depression is becoming more and more common and needs prompt attention

What is pre-marital depression?

Pre-marital depression refers to fatigue, stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression before a wedding takes place. Even many people have lost interest in their partner and intend to break up.

The negative emotions that occur before marriage often stem from being too busy for wedding preparations. In addition, excessive worries for later married life, financial problems, negative thoughts, etc. can also be the reason.

Usually, the closer the wedding day gets, the more insecure, restless and uncomfortable your mood will become. Sometimes it even causes mental breakdown, wanting to cancel the marriage and run away from the other party before the wedding takes place.

Statistics show that women tend to be more prone to depression before marriage than men. Because women often have unstable psychology, are sensitive to important events and often think negatively.

Manifestations of depression before marriage

Before marriage, anyone will have some emotional and mood disturbance. Anxiety, restlessness and nervousness are feelings that everyone has to experience.

Premarital depression, however, is an entirely different matter. Negative emotions seem to be pushed to a higher climax. Sometimes it gives rise to both behavioral and physical manifestations.

premarital depression symptoms

Depression and fatigue are common symptoms in people with pre-marital depression

Here are some signs of premarital depression:

  • Feeling tired: Fatigue often appears because the wedding day is approaching and you have too many things to worry about and deal with. This can lead to loss of appetite, insomnia and many negative effects on both physical and mental health.
  • Very irritable: Pre-marital depression is not simply a feeling of sadness or depression. Many people also become angry easily, even often arguing with the other party just for petty things.
  • Excessive anxiety: Excessive anxiety about the wedding or possible bad situations after marriage is common in people with pre-marital depression. This even haunts the mind and gives rise to scary dreams.
  • Having thoughts of wanting to break up: When you can’t control your negative emotions, you will have a tendency to want to break up. Even many brides and grooms intend to run away before the wedding.

Causes of depression before marriage

Premarital depression is often the result of many external factors. Such as:

1. Not really ready for marriage

In fact, not every marriage is based on the love and willingness of both people. There are many marriages that happen without a voluntary intention. Instead, it may be because of the arrangement or instigation of the parents, or unexpected problems occur.

Not really ready for marriage causes a lot of mental pressure. Many people even have a mental crisis that leads to fatigue, depression, and despair. This is believed to be one of the most common causes of pre-marital depression.

2. Excessive worry

Pre-marital anxiety is a feeling that everyone seems to experience before this important event. However, many people fall into a state of excessive worry before problems that are not too big.

Anxiety and stress often stem from having to prepare a decent wedding with too much work. For example, taking wedding photos, shopping for furniture, preparing wedding dresses, ordering banquets, ordering cards, wedding invitations, etc.

In addition, many of you are also worried about possible problems after marriage. Especially for women, they have worries about life with their mother-in-law, worries about housework, appearance, career, etc.

anxiety due to pre-marital pregnancy

Pregnancy before marriage can make many women depressed and overly worried

3. Negative thinking

Negative thoughts often come to mind without reason before marriage. Many people can think of the other person no longer loving them or the feelings become cold.

These negative thoughts make the mood more depressed, tired and anxious. If not controlled early on, it will develop into pre-marital depression.

4. Influence from others

You may have a few friends who are unhappy in their marriage. Sometimes in meetings they often complain about the bad things they have to go through. This also causes a lot of influence on your psyche.

Constantly hearing negative words about your married life can make you obsessive and fearful. Worrying about your own life after marriage increases many times over. This increases the risk of mental health problems. For example, depression, anxiety disorders, stress, etc.

5. Financial pressure

Wedding is an important event in life. Therefore, everyone wants to prepare everything properly. From wedding photography, wedding invitations to the table. However, you will have to spend a lot of money for these jobs.

Not everyone has enough money to pay for all the wedding problems. The lack of funding is not really good, causing many people to face great pressure. This is also thought to be one of the causes of increased risk of pre-marital depression.

causes of depression before marriage

Money pressure is also a common cause of increased risk of pre-marital psychological problems

Effects of depression before marriage

Depression before marriage is appearing more and more in life. In fact, many people are still subjective and think that this is just a normal psychological state that appears for a short time and can disappear automatically.

However, experts say that depression before marriage is a serious psychological problem that requires prompt attention. If you don’t adjust your negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors soon, you will face many bad consequences.

Severe pre-marital depression will cause mental breakdown. Many people also intend to break up or run away before the wedding. Or if you go to the wedding, then the married life after that will not be easy and difficult to get happy.

In addition, the symptoms of depression have a great impact on physical health. It causes anorexia, long-term insomnia, making the resistance and immune system go down. The body will become weak, exhausted and increase the risk of disease.

How to overcome pre-marital depression

Unexpected negative emotions rush to the moment before marriage is inevitable. Premarital depression needs to be addressed early to avoid serious consequences for health and quality of life.

Here are some effective solutions to help you overcome pre-marital depression:

1. Actively share with “that person”

When you are too stressed, worried or struggling with negative emotions before marriage, you should actively share with your partner. This helps both of you to be more understanding and considerate of each other’s feelings.

How to overcome pre-marital depression

Should share feelings with the other person to seek understanding and sympathy for each other

Particularly in matters of wedding planning, both of you need to discuss with each other to balance all decisions. Mutual respect is essential to relieve pressure and avoid frictions or conflicts later.

Taking the initiative to share your moods and feelings with “the other person” seems to be the best way to get rid of negative thoughts. From there, you will have a better mentality to prepare the necessary work for the upcoming wedding.

2. Do relaxation therapy

To manage symptoms of pre-marital depression, it’s important to make time for yourself. Don’t get caught up in the busyness and forget to rest and relax. Nurturing yourself is essential, not a luxury at all.

Some relaxation therapies that can actually help with premarital depression include:

  • Meditate: Maintaining a daily meditation routine helps you calm down and eliminate negative emotions. Many studies have shown that combining meditation with cognitive-behavioral therapy offers numerous benefits for the treatment and prevention of depression.
  • Yoga: This is also a great relaxation therapy for people with pre-marital depression. When practicing yoga, you need to have a harmony between body movement, breath and soul. Yoga also promotes the production of endorphins.
  • Other solutions: In addition to meditation and yoga, there are many other relaxation solutions that you can apply. For example, listening to instrumental music, reading a book, taking a warm bath, aromatherapy, etc.

3. Eating and living in moderation

Before you get married, you will have a lot of work to do. However, because of this, you forget to take care of yourself. A poor diet and lifestyle can make premarital depression symptoms worse.

How to overcome pre-marital depression

Regular physical activity can help regulate emotions and eliminate negative thoughts

To improve health and improve negative mood, you need to pay attention to:

  • Maintain a healthy diet, should balance nutrients from fresh food sources. Avoid consuming processed foods, foods that are too sweet or fried with a lot of fat.
  • Absolutely do not look to alcohol, tobacco or stimulants to relieve negative mood. In the long run, they can make the condition worse.
  • Getting enough sleep is important for both mental and physical health. No matter how busy you are, you should pay attention to this issue. You should go to bed before 11 pm and make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Night sleep should last at least 6 hours.
  • Make time for physical activity every day. You should spend at least 30 minutes a day exercising. Physical activity can boost the production of happiness hormones and promote overall health.

4. Get support from family and loved ones

Try to make a list of all the pre-wedding preparations. They can be a huge mass that you and your partner can’t seem to deal with. At this time, you should get support from family and relatives or even friends.

Don’t try to take everything on your own, you will only become more tired. Sharing with loved ones will help you relieve a lot of pressure. Each person’s work is always easier than carrying it all by themselves.

In addition to asking for help with work, you can also share your feelings and moods with loved ones. Especially those who have had a fulfilling and happy married life. They will be willing to listen and give you advice on how to best deal with negativity.

5. Psychotherapy

In some cases, at-home solutions may not respond to symptoms of premarital depression. Negative emotions are getting worse and worse, some brides and grooms even intend to break up or run away before the moment of marriage.

If you feel that things are getting worse, you should soon seek psychological counseling to get the right support. The specialist will check the extent of the disease and other related problems. From there, give appropriate therapy to the patient to regulate mood and control symptoms.

Psychotherapy helps patients get rid of negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors early on. It also provides the skills needed to combat stressful and anxiety-inducing situations in life.

Psychological treatment for people with pre-marital depression can include therapies that include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy

Each therapy will have its own advantages, but all bring many benefits to people with pre-marital depression. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist when you feel the need.

Preventing depression before marriage

Premarital depression has many consequences for health and quality of life. However, you can completely avoid this situation with some of the following solutions:

  • Take the time to get to know your partner, work, family, and the life around them before getting married. Only make the decision to marry someone who truly loves you and you love them too.
  • Only decide to get married when you are really ready. Absolutely do not force yourself to get married early for any reason.
  • Talk and exchange with your partner about the concept of marriage. This helps both of you understand each other better. At the same time avoid worrying about conflicts after marriage.
  • Plan your wedding in detail. If the work is too much or you do not have much time, you should ask for support from relatives.
  • Should organize a wedding ceremony in accordance with your financial ability to avoid economic pressure later.
    You can sign up for pre-marital classes to get a solid foundation for family life. Thereby avoiding unnecessary worries and pressure.

Depression before marriage is a matter of concern today. Hopefully with the sharing from the article, you can better understand this situation and have the best control. Marriage is an important thing in life, so prepare carefully to have a happy and joyful life.

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