Clearly distinguish bikram yoga and hot yoga

Hot yoga is probably a pretty popular name with many readers who are followers of yoga. But many people are still confused between hot yoga and bikram yoga. To distinguish clearly, let’s go through the article below with!

Hot yoga refers to classes that are conducted in a hot room. Although there are several styles of hot yoga, bikram yoga is the most basic and well-known form of hot yoga. Although some people may use “hot” instead of “bikram”, in fact, bikram yoga is a type of hot yoga but not all hot yoga is bikram.

Hot yoga and some tips to note

Hot yoga is a fluid vinyasa style in which a trainer teaches you a series of interconnected poses. In the classroom, the room is usually maintained at a temperature of about 35 – 40°C.

As you can imagine, a vigorous yoga session at high temperatures leaves your body very hot and sweaty. Besides, heat helps loosen muscles and sweat helps to detoxify and cleanse your body.

Bikram yoga is just one type of hot yoga. Some other popular hot yoga include moksha yoga imported from Canada (known as modo yoga in the US) and corepower yoga, a rapidly expanding series. Many independent yoga studios also offer their own styles of classes.

Hot yoga makes you hot and sweaty

Hot yoga makes you hot and sweaty

Some things to note

When practicing hot yoga, you need to prepare and note a few things to be able to handle the heat in the classroom:

  • You will sweat a lot on the carpet. Therefore, you need more carpet or similar products. These are all popular accessories for those who practice hot yoga. These towels are placed on your carpet to absorb sweat and improve traction. Many studios provide carpets and towels for free or for a small fee. If you’re worried about hygiene, bring your own and don’t forget to clean towels and mats after your workout!
  • Since you sweat a lot when doing hot yoga, you need to choose the right yoga attire. Usually, you will choose tight clothes to ensure that you don’t slip when performing poses. The actual temperature in a hot yoga class will often vary by type and room.
  • The slogan “sweat to remove toxins” is very popular with those who practice hot yoga. In fact, sweating isn’t really part of the body’s detoxification system, although it can help you feel better.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after studying so you don’t get dehydrated. You can take a small sip of water but drinking too much during practice can cause bloating and decrease comfort when performing each asana.
  • Pregnant women should not participate in hot yoga because it increases body temperature and affects the fetus.
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Bikram yoga

Bikram Choudhury is a hot yoga innovator and creator of bikram yoga. This type is a series of 26 unique poses, consisting of 2 pranayama exercises, each performed 2 times in 90 minutes.

Some hot yoga classes may follow the structure of bikram yoga, but others may not. Bikram yoga classes follow an exclusive 26-pose structure.

The birth of bikram yoga

Choudhury was born in Calcutta, India, in 1946. He was a yoga champion in his youth. In 1974, Choudhury founded the Indian Yoga College in Beverly Hills, California to teach his method. It soon became one of the most popular yoga styles practiced in the West. Bikram yoga classes back then began to attract many members of the Hollywood elite. However, the yoga guru’s success is embroiled in lawsuits and allegations of sexual assault. Choudhury’s demise serves as a cautionary tale to the yoga community. The essence of exercise is to build strong relationships. As a result, many bikram yoga classes remain open and run by independent instructors.

Bikram yoga type includes 26 exclusive poses

Bikram yoga type includes 26 exclusive poses

Hot yoga is a viable choice for many yoga practitioners, although it is more intense than regular classes. Before taking a class related to bikram yoga or any other type of hot yoga, you need to carefully review your health condition with your doctor to decide if this type is really suitable or not.

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Reference source

The Difference Between Bikram and Hot Yoga Accessed: 24/06/2020

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