Can yoga practice cure autonomic dysfunction?

Autonomic dysfunction is an imbalance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Although the functional tasks of these two systems are not the same, they are related to a certain extent. The disorder of the autonomic nervous system affects the circulatory, cardiovascular, digestive systems, etc., thereby greatly affecting daily life. That is why many people have learned and followed yoga as a safe method of healing. Yoga is said to create a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Let’s find out with why yoga can cure autonomic disorders and yoga exercises to cure autonomic disorders!

For patients with vegetative disorders, in addition to using adjustment drugs, it is also necessary to practice sports to support and adjust neurotransmitters to a stable level. very good to support the treatment of autonomic nervous disorders.

It can be said that practicing yoga is considered a suitable method for patients with autonomic nervous system disorders. Because the advantage is that the exercises are not too strenuous and work to improve the symptoms caused.

Causes of symptoms of autonomic dysfunction

All activities of our body are controlled by the nervous system, including 2 nervous systems, the animal nervous system and the plant nervous system.

Sympathetic nervous system

For the cardiovascular system, the sympathetic nervous system can cause vasoconstriction, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and sweat gland stimulation. For respiration, the sympathetic nervous system will increase the breathing rate, breathing shallow and fast.

Parasympathetic nervous system

Unlike the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system helps slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure, increase spasms, slow breathing, etc.

Because the tasks performed between these two nervous systems are not the same, the balance between these two nervous systems is extremely important. As long as the balance factor is affected, it will cause autonomic neuropathy, significantly affecting this motor system.

Why practicing yoga can cure autonomic nervous disorders?

Yoga is a practice aimed at improving both physical and mental well-being that originated in India. Yoga exercises are designed to support flexibility, increase strength and help bring excitement, leading to comfort and effectiveness in controlling emotions and energies. In addition, research shows that yoga also improves symptoms of arrhythmias, blood pressure disorders, digestive disorders, sexual disorders, etc.

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Yoga creates a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. To explain this, imagine that you are exercising. This means that your heart rate and blood pressure will also increase to activate your sympathetic system.

On the other hand, yoga will also activate your parasympathetic system and help normalize autonomic nervous system function. When it comes to yoga, it is impossible not to mention breathing exercises.

Controlling and mastering the breath will help the practitioner activate the sympathetic nervous system and end with a relaxation of the system. In addition, some yoga exercises are designed to help stimulate the cardiovascular system and regulate heat elimination.

Regular exercise will help the autonomic nervous system work in a more orderly, manageable manner. We know how to self-regulate breathing when we are exposed to environmental stimuli, thereby reducing pre-stimulation stress. In addition, this type of practice also helps the practitioner increase the ability to concentrate, increase work productivity and relax.

3 effective yoga poses to cure nervous disorders

1. Camel yoga pose

Camel pose can help release stress and increase blood circulation throughout the body, thereby healing disorders on the mind in particular and the body in general.

Camel yoga pose


  • First, you should start by sitting in a seated position with your feet up to your hips, and your back straight.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly, legs and knees remain in the same position.
  • Then, lift your hips up, kneel on the exercise mat. Use 2 hands to grasp 2 ankles. Then tilt your head back, exhale deeply.
  • With this pose, straighten your arms, put all your weight into your arms, and at the same time push your chest forward, feeling the tension of your body. Note, at this point your hips and waist should be pushed forward.
  • At this time, your head is still deeply tilted back, your shoulders should also be completely relaxed and fully rotate your shoulders back to support the force of your arms.
  • Hold this yoga pose for 10-20 seconds. Then, slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement 4-5 times.

2. Bridge yoga pose

Like the camel pose, the bridge pose also helps to circulate blood throughout the body, which helps to calm the mind and relieve stress.

Bridge yoga pose


  • Start with a supine position on the floor, arms stretched along the body.
  • Bend your knees and start grabbing your ankles with both hands. At this point, you have pushed your upper body up, so all the force is on your ankles and shoulders. Simultaneously feel the tension in your back and neck
  • With this pose, adjust the distance between your feet as wide as your shoulders
  • Remember to stay in this position for about 30 seconds or so, breathing evenly and slowly
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 3-5 times
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3. Yoga postures sitting at work

This pose helps to develop body strength by straightening the spine and releasing tension

Yoga posture sitting at work


  • Sit with your back straight on the mat, back straight and legs stretched out in front of you. Legs outstretched and feet pointing upwards.
  • Place your butt on the floor and align the top of your head toward the ceiling. This will automatically straighten and lengthen the spine.
  • Stretch your feet and especially your heels
  • To help relieve pressure on your shoulders and spine, put your hands on the side of your hips
  • Relax your legs and lower half of your body to the floor
  • Breathe evenly and hold the pose for about 20-30 seconds. Repeat the pose 4-5 times.

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Reference source

Get Grounded Anywhere: 7 Ways from Teacher Saul David Raye Accessed date: April 13, 2020

Autonomic neuropathy Accessed: 13/04/2020

5 Yoga Poses to Balance Your Nervous System Accessed date: 13/04/2020

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