Atopic dermatitis is a common skin disease worldwide. So, is atopic dermatitis contagious? How can we prevent the disease? In this article, we will help you find answers to these questions.
Is atopic dermatitis contagious?
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common dermatological diseases, and many people suffer from this condition. The disease is characterized by dry, itchy, scaly skin that turns pink or red. As it is a skin disease that causes a lot of discomfort and affects the aesthetic appearance, many people wonder whether atopic dermatitis is contagious or not.
In fact, atopic dermatitis is not contagious through the process of eating, communicating, living together, or any other means of direct or indirect contact with an affected person’s blood or pus. Even if you come into direct contact with an infected person’s blood or pus at a wound site, it does not increase the risk of contracting this disease.
However, atopic dermatitis is a hereditary disease passed down from parents to their children. Specifically, if both parents have atopic dermatitis, the likelihood of transmitting the disease to their children is 80%. If only one parent has atopic dermatitis, this likelihood decreases to 50%. Additionally, if other family members, such as grandparents, siblings, or aunts and uncles, also have the disease, the likelihood of inheriting it will also be higher.
In addition, there are several risk factors for developing atopic dermatitis in patients, including:
- A history of allergy to medications, chemicals, pollen, food, dust, or insects.
- Having related diseases such as allergic rhinitis, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, etc.
- Regularly smoking or being exposed to cigarette smoke for a long time.
- Living in polluted environments with dust and dirt.
- Weather changes, especially in winter when the air is dry.
- Frequently experiencing stress, fatigue, insomnia.
- Immune system deficiencies caused by infections or other acute diseases.

Atopic dermatitis causes uncomfortable itching.
Prevention and effective treatment of atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is not too dangerous, but if left untreated, it can still cause many dangerous complications such as ulceration, infection, skin necrosis, malaria, asthma, respiratory failure, eyelid inflammation, conjunctivitis, organ damage, organ failure, and even death.
Therefore, the prevention and treatment of this disease have gained a lot of attention. Here are some issues that readers need to pay attention to:
- Establishing a suitable nutrition regime, supplementing with foods rich in vitamins and minerals to enhance immunity, helping to prevent dangerous diseases.
- Limiting the consumption of fermented foods, spicy and oily foods, alcoholic beverages, etc., to avoid exacerbating the reaction that makes the underlying skin inflammation worse.
- Wearing loose clothing and avoiding tight clothing on the affected area to avoid irritation and discomfort.
- Drinking more water to provide moisture to the skin, helping to detoxify the body through the skin effectively.
- Maintaining a reasonable balance between work and rest, sleeping early and getting enough 7-8 hours/day to keep the body healthy. When the immune system is functioning properly, it will naturally eliminate and remove harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Limiting bathing in excessively hot water in the winter. Additionally, you should not bathe for too long, which can cause dry, itchy, and cracked skin.
- Using reputable, natural skincare products. Avoid using products containing chemicals, alcohol, fragrance, preservatives, etc.
- Keeping the living environment clean, dry, and balanced in moisture to avoid excessive humidity, mold, or dryness.
- Regularly cleaning hands and feet with soap before eating, after using the bathroom, or after hands come into contact with dirty soil, water, or surfaces containing many bacteria.

You should not scratch the itchy area
What should you avoid if you have seborrheic dermatitis?
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that, although not overly dangerous, can cause a lot of discomfort and inconvenience for patients. Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis often include itching, redness, soreness, and blisters. Without appropriate treatment and proper care, the condition can become chronic and difficult to manage.
Foods containing high levels of trans fats
Foods that contain high levels of trans fats should be avoided if you have atopic dermatitis. According to scientists, this group of fats can increase bad cholesterol levels, increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. For those with atopic dermatitis, trans fats can increase the risk of infection and inflammation, making the condition more severe. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods high in trans fats such as fried potatoes, fried meats, donuts, sweets, eggs, butter cookies, ice cream, and sandwiches.
Stimulants such as alcohol, beer, carbonated soft drinks, cigarettes, coffee, and strong tea should also be avoided or limited not only by those with atopic dermatitis but also by healthy individuals. This group of beverages can stimulate the nervous system, suppress the immune system, accumulate toxins in the body, and increase skin inflammation and itching. In addition, the immune system of these individuals is weakened, making the recurrence rate of atopic dermatitis high, making the condition more difficult to treat.
Milk, butter, cheese
Milk and dairy products such as cheese, butter, whipped cream, etc., all contain high levels of saturated fat, which can increase inflammatory and allergic reactions in the body. Furthermore, studies published in the Healthy and Life journal in 2015 indicate that approximately 20% of individuals with atopic dermatitis are lactose intolerant. Therefore, individuals with this condition should limit their consumption of milk to promote faster healing during treatment.
What to avoid with atopic dermatitis? Red meat
Despite being a common food in daily meals and rich in nutrients, red meat is not recommended for individuals with atopic dermatitis, as it can increase inflammatory reactions, making the condition more severe. Some types of meat that should be limited or avoided include beef, buffalo, lamb, and goat meat.
Soybeans and related products
Similar to cow’s milk, soybeans contain proteins that can cause allergies, which can affect the treatment process. Therefore, individuals with atopic dermatitis should avoid using soybeans, soy milk, tofu, bean curd, or related products.
Foods with high salt and additives
Foods that contain a lot of additives, preservatives, flavorings, salt, artificial colors, etc., are not good for health. They not only hinder the process of treating eczema but also increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, you should limit the use of this food group, especially for children. Some of these foods include sausages, popcorn, jerky, cold cuts, french fries, chewing gum, instant noodles, etc.
Foods with high chemical sugar and starch
Foods with high chemical sugar and starch are also classified as foods that people with eczema should avoid. Chemical sugar and additives in sweets will increase blood sugar levels, causing irritation, redness, and water pimples. In addition, starchy foods also increase the risk of gas retention. When they are released through the skin, they will form itchy, swollen and inflamed patches.
Salty foods
Salty foods include pickles, salted vegetables, pickled vegetables, kimchi, etc., which are very popular among Vietnamese people. However, if you consume too much of these foods, it can affect the liver and kidneys’ function. From there, it reduces the ability to detoxify toxins from the body and increases the risk of infection, allergies, and inflammation. Therefore, people with acute and chronic eczema should avoid using these foods.
Eggs and chicken
During the treatment of eczema, you should not use eggs and chicken because they can make the itching condition worse. Moreover, the above food group also increases the risk of swelling, infection, making the disease last long and difficult to treat. Wait until the disease is completely cured before using these types of foods.

Atopic dermatitis should not eat seafood and chicken
Types of seafood
Seafood such as shrimp, crab, fish, squid, oysters, snails, etc. are all rich in protein and amino acids. For some people with seafood allergies, these substances can stimulate the body to produce histamine, causing itching, rashes, and skin irritation. To prevent this condition, you should avoid using seafood because even a small amount of food can cause unpredictable complications.
Spicy and oily food
If you have a genetic skin inflammation, you definitely cannot ignore foods that are high in fat and spicy. This food group is loved by many people but it has a significant impact on the stomach, liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. Specifically, when you use too much oily and spicy food, the function of the body to eliminate toxins from the liver and kidneys will be reduced, increasing the risk of heart disease and gastric ulcers. When the body is intoxicated, the skin will be the first affected part. Therefore, you need to limit the use of these foods in your daily meals.
Atopic dermatitis should eat what?
In addition to the question of what to avoid when you have genetic skin inflammation, the issue of what to eat with genetic skin inflammation is also very important. The diet plays an important role for people who are treating genetic skin inflammation. Using appropriate foods will help provide more nutrients, enhance immunity, and promote skin recovery speed.
Below are some food groups that patients should actively use to help reduce symptoms and minimize the risk of recurrence.
Foods high in vitamins
Fruits and vegetables are food groups that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals, which help to strengthen the body’s immunity and prevent symptoms of genetic skin inflammation. Here are some vitamins you should supplement in your daily diet.
Vitamin A: It enhances immunity and helps in quick recovery from illness. Some foods that are rich in vitamin A include tomatoes, pumpkin, papaya, sweet potato, spinach, mango, bell pepper, carrots, etc.
Vitamin B: It promotes the growth of tissue and epithelial cells and helps in healing skin damage. Foods that are rich in vitamin B include salmon, green leafy vegetables, animal organs, yogurt, pork, grains, etc.
Vitamin C: It slows down the oxidation process, protects the body from inflammatory and allergic reactions. Foods that are rich in vitamin C include kiwi, lemon, orange, grapefruit, guava, watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower, potato, papaya, strawberry, etc.
Vitamin E: It helps protect the skin from harmful agents, making the skin soft, smooth, and healthy. Foods that are rich in vitamin E include sunflower oil, hazelnut oil, butter, spinach, kiwi, cabbage, etc.
Foods rich in Omega-3: Omega-3 is a compound that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects, strengthens the immune system, and helps in the recovery of skin damage. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate foods that are rich in omega-3 into your daily diet. Some foods that are rich in omega-3 include salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, cod liver oil, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, oats, etc.
Foods rich in Zinc: Zinc is a necessary mineral for detoxification in the liver, repairing damaged cells, and providing oxygen to the body. If there is a deficiency of zinc, your skin may face various problems like acne, rashes, and hives. Regular use of zinc can help prevent the outbreak of inflammatory skin diseases and prevent the progression of severe conditions. Some foods that are rich in zinc include whole-grain cereals, dried fruits, curly kale, dark chocolate, etc.
Foods that support anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects
This food group has the ability to resist inflammation, kill bacteria, promote the recovery of skin wounds, prevent infections and superinfections when diseases reach a severe stage. Therefore, people with a predisposition to skin inflammation should increase their intake of anti-inflammatory foods such as honey, turmeric, ginger, apples, kale, blueberries, tomatoes, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, and tea.
Mushrooms and pork
Studies have shown that both pork and mushrooms contain a type of protein that binds subcutaneous tissues, helping wounds heal quickly and without scarring. Additionally, this food group helps boost immunity, protecting the body from damage and preventing inflammation, allergies, and itching caused by skin inflammation.
Foods high in potassium
Foods high in potassium such as oranges, watermelon, avocado, grapefruit, leafy greens, asparagus, duckweed, and kale have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and alleviate symptoms of skin inflammation. In addition, the potassium content helps the body remain flexible, reducing the risk of abnormal disorders.
Probiotic-rich foods
Probiotics are abundant in yogurt and Yakult, which help regenerate skin damage, promote the growth of new skin without leaving scars. Additionally, probiotics help strengthen the body’s immunity and promote faster healing of diseases.

Atopic dermatitis should be treated early.
Important note when treating atopic dermatitis at home
Atopic dermatitis is a manageable but difficult-to-cure condition. Therefore, in addition to a regular diet, here are a few issues that patients need to pay attention to:
Avoid bathing with excessively hot water
Experts say that the temperature of bathwater greatly affects the skin. In the winter, many people have a habit of using hot water to bathe. If you bathe with water that is too hot for a long time, it will cause the skin to lose its natural moisture, making it easy to become dry, itchy, and irritated. This increases the risk of atopic dermatitis and makes it difficult to treat the disease.
Avoid direct contact with chemicals on the skin
Some chemicals from laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dish soap, floor cleaners, etc., can increase the risk of atopic dermatitis, especially for those with sensitive skin. Therefore, when in contact with these products, you should use rubber gloves to protect your skin as much as possible.
Moisturize the skin regularly
Overly dry skin can cause itching, flaking, and make atopic dermatitis worse. Therefore, you should actively use natural ingredient-based moisturizing creams to moisturize the skin. Apply twice a day in the morning and evening before going to bed to keep the skin hydrated, smooth, and healthy.
Wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid scratching excessively
Wearing tight clothes can make the skin feel suffocated, uncomfortable, and itchy, which can worsen symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, if you are undergoing treatment for atopic dermatitis, you should choose loose-fitting, comfortable clothes that are easy to absorb sweat. Avoid wearing tight clothes that can cause discomfort and make the condition worse.
Avoid excessive scratching
People with atopic dermatitis often feel itchy and have a habit of scratching to relieve this discomfort. However, scratching with hands can increase the risk of infection and exacerbate the condition. Therefore, when itching occurs, apply a moisturizing cream or some types of essential oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, argan oil, or lavender oil to soothe the itching sensation.

John Alen was born in 1971 and is a doctor in the healthcare and psychology fields with many years of experience. He is currently working at easyhealthylive.com, a leading health and psychology blog. Having studied at Y1 National Medical University named after IM Sechenov, John Alen is using his knowledge and experience to help improve the physical and mental health of people in the United States.