Anorexic children sweat stealing: Causes and solutions

Anorexic children sweat stealing may be due to lack of exercise, lack of substance or underdeveloped nervous system. So what is the cause and effective care when the baby encounters this condition? Parents, please immediately refer to the article below of we Please!

1. What causes anorexia children to sweat stealing?

Children with anorexia and anorexia often experience the phenomenon of night sweats. This could be due to the following reasons:

1.1. Anorexic children sweat stealing due to lack of nutrients

Children with anorexia are often deficient in vitamins and minerals needed for bone development such as zinc, calcium, vitamin D, etc. Therefore, children are prone to rickets and one of the signs of this disease in young children. is to sweat a lot.

1.2. Children are anorexic because they rarely go out and are sedentary

Less exposure to sunlight and physical activity in children is the main cause of rickets. As mentioned above, night sweats are a common sign of this disease.

1.3. Children are anorexic due to increased body temperature

Parents often wrap their children carefully, especially in winter because they think that their children will feel the same heat or cold as they do. However, the truth is that a child’s body temperature is higher than that of an adult’s. If parents dress the child warmly, it will easily increase the baby’s body temperature, thereby causing an imbalance leading to sweating.

1.4. An anorexic child sweats heavily because his nervous system is not stable

When a baby is young, the autonomic nervous system that controls the excretory system is not fully developed. Especially for children who are anorexic, micronutrient deficiencies further affect the full development of the nervous system, causing the baby to sweat frequently, even when it’s cold or not active.

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2. How to effectively take care of an anorexic child

The main problem that parents need to solve is the phenomenon of anorexia and night sweats in children. Supplementing with adequate nutrients, especially vitamin D, not only helps to improve night sweats but also helps the baby get the best development.

2.1. Don’t force your child to eat when he doesn’t want to

The common mistake of parents whose children are lazy or anorexic is that they often try to force their children to eat for fear that they will lack nutrients. This method is both ineffective and counterproductive, making the child more and more afraid of eating. Instead, ask questions and spend more time playing with your child to help him approach meals more comfortably.

2.2. Create a nutritious menu with a variety of dishes

Young children are very curious about the new world, so parents can change the variety of dishes, especially in shapes and colors to stimulate the taste buds and help their children become more interested in eating. Moreover, encouraging children to explore and try different foods will make them feel like eating is like having fun, etc. This not only repels anorexia but also good for development. about vision, as well as cognition of children. Besides, parents can also add foods their children like and often eat. Because this will help the baby eat more deliciously while still ensuring nutrition.

2.3. Feed your child on time and eat with the whole family

Creating the habit of eating on time will be beneficial for your child’s health. This not only reduces anorexia but also helps the baby have a healthy digestive system.

In addition, parents should limit their children to eating junk food about 15-30 minutes before the main meal. In addition, you should also feed your child at the same time as the whole family because this will help him focus on eating more.

One thing to note is that young children often have a habit of imitating the actions of adults. Therefore, parents also need to have the habit of eating on time, do not watch TV, phone when eating, … so that the child learns.

2.4. Divide your child’s daily meals into small meals

If the child cannot focus on eating for a long time and the amount of food he eats at each meal is small, parents should divide the child’s meals into certain time periods. In addition, the increase of snacks and food intake each day must also be a certain time apart from the main meal.

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Accordingly, parents can give their children healthy foods such as yogurt, fruit, etc. at a snack, but should only eat in moderation and do not drink too much water or eat too full, etc. Because this will affect the main meal of the child.

2.5. Add more nutrients to meals, especially vitamin D, calcium

The baby’s sweating is mainly due to the child’s lack of calcium, vitamin D, zinc, etc. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to adding these nutrients to their children’s meals to ensure nutrient supply. necessary for children. Foods rich in vitamin D are herring, salmon, egg yolks, shrimp, cow’s milk, mushrooms, soy milk, etc. In addition, you can also give your baby a vitamin D supplement the following evening. eat.

2.6. The baby’s bedroom is always well-ventilated to avoid theft

The bedroom is also very important to the health of the baby. If the room is too hot or stuffy, your baby will be more prone to sweating and more prone to respiratory diseases. Therefore, parents should choose for their children a well-ventilated and cool bedroom. If possible, you can use an air purifier to keep your child’s room clean and cool.

2.7. The right bedroom temperature to avoid sweating

The somatic nervous system of young children is not yet fully developed, so they are often more sensitive to temperature than adults. Therefore, parents should keep the child’s room temperature at about 26-28 degrees Celsius. Because this is the right temperature for the baby’s body to metabolize and regulate the best temperature, it helps to balance the mind, body, at the same time to prevent excessive sweating.

2.8. Parents should expose their children to the sun

Vitamin D is important for the development of young bones and teeth. Therefore, parents should expose their children to sunlight in the early morning or evening. Outdoor activities help children to be active, active, in better shape, supplement vitamin D, and improve sweating.

3. When does an anorexic child need to see a doctor?

Although sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon of young children, if prolonged, it also adversely affects health. Therefore, parents should quickly bring their children to see a doctor for examination if they see the following signs:

– The child’s anorexia lasts for more than 2 weeks.

The child does not gain or lose weight rapidly in 1 month.

Children often lose sleep and cry a lot at night.

– High fever, shivering and chills, etc.

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