8 reasons you should try restorative yoga today

Restorative yoga is a slow, gentle type of yoga that balances the body and mind, prevents stress and anxiety, and brings a feeling of absolute peace and relaxation to the body during practice. training.

Among the types of yoga, restorative yoga or restorative yoga is the type that you just heard the name can understand the meaning. This is a special type of yoga, based on Hatha yoga but with a blend of meditation, breathing, postures, chanting and philosophy.

On the surface, this type of yoga will be less attractive than other types of yoga, but if you want to use yoga to heal physically and mentally, restorative yoga will be a great choice.

With restorative yoga, relaxing postures such as child pose, footrest on the wall, corpse pose will be held from a few minutes to 15 minutes. In addition, during the practice, you are also allowed to use supporting tools such as exercise rings, pillows, ropes, bricks, etc. to support stretching and bring the body the most comfortable state.

In the 1970s, restoretive yoga was very popular in the US, founded by Judith Lasater, one of the first disciples of BKS Iyengar. This type of yoga is known for its relaxing, calming, and restorative effects.

Therefore, when practicing, yogis will not feel any tension, difficulty or pain at all. Therefore, restorative yoga is extremely suitable for those who want to recover from injury or illness. Not only that, this is also considered an exercise to help balance the mind in a busy and stressful modern life.

Restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is extremely suitable for those who want to recover from injuries or illnesses

8 great benefits that restorative yoga brings to the body

Here are the reasons that you should spend a little more time each day practicing restorative yoga:

1. Raise self-awareness

With a gentle, relaxed pace, restorative yoga will be the door for you to deepen your understanding of your body, from which you will truly feel the meaning of life. This will be very helpful for people who are “lost”, who do not know what they want and what to do, who feel life is meaningless and are constantly blaming themselves.

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2. Enhance flexibility for the body

All types of yoga help you become supple and flexible. But if you practice restative yoga regularly, you will quickly feel this.

However, restorative yoga is not a stretching class, and it doesn’t include goals related to this, such as having your fingers touch your toes in the 10th squat. session. All you need to do when practicing restorative yoga is discover what’s going on when you’re releasing as much tension as the body normally holds on to.

3. Find the source of stress

Restorative yoga exercises will give you the opportunity to notice where in your body there is excess tension and need to be released. Once you realize this, you can make small changes in your daily life to reduce the stress that is building up in your body.

4. Lose weight

A study by the University of California, San Diego done in 2013 has shown that restorative yoga can effectively help women lose weight. The study compared the practice of restorative yoga to doing deep stretching exercises for 48 weeks. The results showed that women who practice yoga will be able to lose more fat.

One possible explanation for this is that restorative yoga can lower cortisol levels, a common contributor to belly fat.

5. Strengthen the immune system

Doing restorative yoga exercises regularly can help improve the immune system. From there, your body will be strong enough to “cope” with common pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, etc.

6. Balance the nervous system

If you are too focused on work without having time to rest, problems such as stress, tension, and fatigue are inevitable. Therefore, the time of restorative yoga is a time for the mind and nervous system to relax.

Restorative yoga exercise

Restorative yoga helps balance the nervous system

In particular, restorative yoga exercises are also likened to a soothing hug for the mind when facing too much stress and worries throughout the day. Calming the mind is not an easy task, only by trying will you know how difficult it is.

Just because your body is resting doesn’t mean your mind will automatically relax. Practicing restorative yoga for a while, you will learn how to drop into a quiet place and immerse yourself in the present moment.

7. Restore and heal the body’s damage

We all need rest, even if you don’t have a muscle strain, a broken bone, the flu, or a chronic illness. Don’t think that just because you don’t practice dynamic yoga exercises, the healing benefits of yoga are diminished. In fact, restorative yoga exercises are extremely effective in restoring energy and building strength for the body.

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8. Emotional healing

In addition to physical injuries, you also need to heal emotional wounds. The exercises of restorative yoga will provide you with soothing care when you are facing the most difficult situations in life, such as broken marriage, loss of a loved one, etc.

Is Restorative Yoga Right For You?

Basic restorative has a slow, gentle speed, does not require much physical use. Therefore, anyone, any age, any gender can practice. The poses of restorative yoga will not be much different from the poses of other types, but you have to hold the pose for longer and must coordinate with the use of support equipment.

Practice Restorative yoga with equipment

Restorative yoga is suitable for everyone, especially those who are new to yoga

If you want to use restorative yoga to recover from an injury, it’s best to share this with your yoga teacher before practicing. This will help the teacher create a suitable lesson plan for you to recover quickly, and at the same time not to make your injury worse.

Through the above sharing, hopefully you have gained some useful information about restorative yoga. Although it is the type that prioritizes smoothness, you still need to pay attention to practicing the correct technique according to the instructions of the teacher to achieve the best effect.

Reference source

10 Reasons to Practice Restorative Yoga https://www.doyou.com/10-reasons-to-practice-restorative-yoga/ Accessed date: June 15, 2020

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