5 principles of building a diet to help gain muscle and lose fat

Gaining muscle, reducing fat effectively and owning a toned, balanced body is the desire of many gymers. To achieve this goal, bodybuilders also need to pay attention to the nutrition provided to the body. Let’s learn the principles of nutrition with easyhealthylive.com so that gymers can successfully gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

1. What is muscle gain and fat loss?

Muscle gain and fat loss can be understood as a process through the mechanism of muscle tightening, muscle building and fat loss to reduce excess body fat.

This is mainly done by a combination of proper and moderate exercise and the implementation of a balanced, scientific diet.

The results of the effective weight loss process are shown when the weight is moderate, accompanied by a toned body and it is not easy to gain weight back.

This is not a simple process that requires a detailed plan and a scientific, reasonable and correct roadmap. In addition, this goal is only really effective when the bodybuilder persistently pursues, regularly monitors and adjusts the diet and exercise plan from time to time to ensure effective results. Optimal.

Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is not a simple process

Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is not a simple process

2. The reasons why the process of gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is not effective

The process of gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time of gymers can be inefficient and cannot be successfully implemented. Some of the reasons for this have to do with the fact that many bodybuilders focus solely on strength training, with little regard for strict control over their diet. Here are a few examples of this situation.

  • Unscientific eating: wrong time; eating too much or too little; fasting, skipping meals, consolidating many meals into one.

  • The diet lacks the balance between nutritional groups, not as reasonable as completely cutting out fat and starch.

  • Not providing enough water for the body every day.

3. Principles to note about nutrition to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time effectively

Besides the training process, nutrition plays an important role in determining the success or failure of the goal of gaining muscle and losing fat that gymers set.

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Here are a few principles to keep in mind about nutrition during this process.

Increase protein intake

Increasing the amount of protein in the diet is a nutritional note to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Because of the importance of this nutrient as it both helps you nourish your muscles, keep you full for a long time as well as burn calories.

Protein can be supplemented for the body through food groups such as fish, meat, seafood, eggs, green vegetables, beans, nuts, …

Increasing protein in the diet is necessary to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

Increasing protein in the diet is necessary to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

Add good carbs and reduce bad carbs

Carbs or carbohydrates are the source of energy for the body’s activities, but it is also a cause for the body to accumulate more calories.

In it, foods such as milk tea, chips, cakes, soda, … contain a large amount of refined carbohydrates that make you gain weight.

Therefore, you can proceed to regulate the amount of carbs provided to the body in a scientific way. It can be cutting down on bad carbs, and at the same time adding foods rich in good carbs including oats, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, rye bread, … to ensure an increase. more efficient muscle growth.

Consume healthy fats

In the process of gaining muscle and losing fat, you should choose to use good and healthy fats in your diet.

Accordingly, it is possible to choose to consume fats found in butter, vegetable oils, fish, eggs, milk, etc., when they both help control hunger and ensure support for muscle building and recovery. corn.

It is recommended to use healthy fats found in butter, vegetable oils, fish, ... when performing muscle gain and fat loss.

It is recommended to use healthy fats found in butter, vegetable oils, fish, … when performing muscle gain and fat loss.

Eat green vegetables in your meals

Green vegetables are essential foods that provide nutrients to the body but are very low in calories.

Therefore, while gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time, do not forget to regularly add green vegetables to your diet.

Drink enough water

Water is an important element for the human body.

Drinking enough water every day also helps the body burn fat more efficiently. Along with that, water helps to increase muscle mass and strength for faster recovery.

So, to achieve the goal of gaining muscle and losing fat successfully, remember to drink enough water every day for the body.

Drinking enough water every day for the body both helps burn fat effectively and supports faster muscle recovery

Drinking enough water every day for the body both helps burn fat effectively and supports faster muscle recovery

In addition to the principles listed, you also need to know the nutritional content of the foods you will use to be sure about the amount of calories you eat.

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At the same time, practice the habit of meal planning to be able to control as well as accurately adjust, supplement foods that need to be eaten well and stay away from foods that are not good for the process of gaining muscle and losing fat. .

Thereby, building a more complete, more scientific diet, along with always keeping the body from being hungry, with enough energy to maintain the exercise.

In short, to ensure effective muscle gain and fat loss and to be able to own a perfect body as desired, nutrition in the process is a factor that cannot be ignored.

Hopefully, this article has helped interested readers “pocket” the principles to note related to nutrition in the process of successfully implementing the goal of gaining muscle and losing fat.

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