4 best times to drink water of the day you should know

The correct selection 4 best times of day to drink water In addition to the times when you are thirsty, it helps you to provide the necessary amount of water, which is of special value to the body. The following article will analyze more clearly, helping you know the best times of day to drink water.

4 best times to drink water of the day you should know

4 best times to drink water of the day you should know

Right after waking up in the morning

After a long night of sleep, the body has lost a lot of water. Therefore, providing water immediately to the body when waking up will help to replace the lost water. Helps wake up the organs in the body, while also helping to excrete and detoxify naturally and enhance blood circulation effectively.

Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning

Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning

The 4 best time to drink water during the day is that you should form a good habit of drinking a glass of warm water every morning after waking up not only helps you eliminate toxins accumulated inside the body. Besides, it also has the ability to improve blood circulation, helping to support blood circulation in the body. Promotes a healthy skin, as well as relaxed muscles.

Moreover, when the stomach is empty in the morning, drinking a glass of warm water will also help stimulate the digestive system to start gently, work more actively, reduce symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, stomach sluggish or constipated…

When your digestive system is healthy, your metabolism or absorption of nutrients is also significantly improved. Helps strengthen the immune system as well as can protect the health of the body.

In addition, drinking a glass of warm water in the morning after waking up will help eliminate toxins in the body. It also dilutes acid on an empty stomach, reducing the risk of kidney stones or bladder infections.

Around 9-11 o’clock

The 4 best times to drink water in the next day are in the time frame from 9-11 am, the body will have to follow the work or study schedule. At that time, both physical and mental activities are enhanced, leading to a significant increase in the need for water supply.

The 4 best times of the day to drink water are from 9 to 11 o'clock

The 4 best times of the day to drink water are from 9 to 11 o’clock

Drinking water at 9-11 o’clock will help us stay awake and also help purify the body. At this time, you should add filtered water or fruit juices such as oranges, lemons, tomatoes, green vegetable juices, etc.

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In addition, at this time the organs are in full swing. Drinking water helps to flush out toxins from the body. Not only helps to purify the body but also beautiful skin and weight loss!

About 30 minutes before a meal

30 minutes before a meal, you should drink a glass of water, it will be very good for digestion, help stimulate appetite and also support the digestive system to work more smoothly.

Drink water about 30 minutes before meals

Drink water about 30 minutes before meals

Providing a sufficient amount of water before meals can also “wake up” the digestive organs in the body. Helps the body absorb nutrients better.

Drinking water half an hour before a meal not only does not dilute gastric juice affecting digestion, but it also stimulates appetite.

In addition, water also helps to regulate the concentration of mineral salts of the body, helping to reduce the amount of salt after a meal of the body.

About 30 minutes before and after exercise

The 4 best times of the day to drink water are when exercising or exercising. At this time, the body needs to transport more nutrients to the muscles. Besides, when exercising, the body will also lose water faster, it is very necessary to replenish water.

About 30 minutes before and after exercising, you should add water to your body

About 30 minutes before and after exercising, you should add water to your body

However, drinking too much water during exercise, vigorous exercise, especially during intense exercise will cause bad side effects. Depletion of electrolytes leads to headaches, nausea or dizziness. More dangerous, can affect people who already have a history of heart disease.

Therefore, you should only drink a lot of water before and after exercising for about 30 minutes to help the body rehydrate and help increase muscle strength.

In addition to the 4 best times to drink water in the day above, adults need to drink water regularly even when they are not thirsty to compensate for the body’s excretion process, to lose water and also to ensure a balance for functioning. movement of the body. It also helps regulate body temperature and improves cardiovascular function.

> Reference:

  • What is alkaline ionized water? Why should you drink filtered water every day?
  • Is bottled alkaline ionized water good for health?
  • 6 ways to drink water to lose weight or not everyone knows
  • How much water is enough to drink a day? How to calculate the amount of water to drink

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