#10 Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore

Diabetes is defined as a disease caused by a metabolic disorder. The rate of people with diabetes in Vietnam is increasing and tends to be younger. Early recognition of signs of diabetes This will help reduce the risk of serious complications caused by the disease. In this article, Ocany will take a look at 10 common signs of diabetes.

10 Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn't Ignore

10 Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore

Diabetes Explained

Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is defined as a disease caused by a heterogeneous metabolic disorder that causes blood sugar levels to be consistently higher than normal. It is usually caused by a lack of or resistance to insulin. This interferes with the conversion of starch into energy, causing a buildup of sugar in the blood.

When sugar builds up in the blood often at a high level. Patients are at risk of cardiovascular diseases, damage to organs such as eyes, kidneys, .. even death. Statistically, cardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in people with diabetes.

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Based on some characteristics and progression, people divide diabetes into types:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Secondary diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes

The correct way to determine diabetes is to check your blood sugar. However, there are still signs of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes usually has mild symptoms that are barely noticeable. While type 1 diabetes will appear more severe symptoms.

The way to diagnose diabetes is to check your blood sugar

The way to diagnose diabetes is to check your blood sugar

10 signs of diabetes that your body tells you

Whether it’s type 1 or type 2, diabetes has some early warning signs. These signs of diabetes There may be very mild or no symptoms at all. Therefore, some patients discover the disease when the condition is already severe or there are many complications.

Here are 10 signs of diabetes most recorded.

Hungry and easily tired

Food is converted into glucose by the body. This is the material that helps cells produce energy. However, cells need the help of insulin to absorb glucose. If the body has problems producing insulin or the cells are resistant to the insulin the body makes, that means glucose won’t be converted to energy. As a result, the body will feel hungry and tired because there is no energy.

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Frequent urination and thirst

This is one of the signs of diabetes quite clear. The frequency of urinating 4-7 times is considered normal. But for people with diabetes, this number can increase.

This is because too much blood sugar interferes with the reabsorption of glucose by the kidneys. As a result, the body will produce more urine, causing the patient to urinate more often. Accompanied by a constant feeling of thirst. They are like a vicious cycle: drink a lot of water – urinate a lot.

People with diabetes have a higher frequency of urination than the general population

People with diabetes have a higher frequency of urination than the general population

Dry mouth and itchy skin

Have you ever thought of dry mouth and itchy skin? signs of diabetes? That’s right, because the body is now focusing on using liquid to make urine, the moisture will no longer be enough to supply other organs. A lack of water will be dangerous, and the skin without enough water will become dry, easily irritated and itchy.

Decreased eyesight

Vision is reduced, can not see as clearly as before. It could be signs of diabetes, get your eyes checked and your blood sugar checked. In people with diabetes, fluid changes in the body cause the lens to swell. This condition affects vision resulting in reduced image sharpness.

Weight loss

Weight loss even though the patient eats a lot. Experts say that weight loss often occurs in type 1 diabetes. The reason for this is that the body does not get energy from food, so it will use muscle and fat for energy to feed. body. Therefore, the patient’s weight will decrease even if they do not change their diet.


Diabetic nausea is a sign of ketoacidosis. What is ketoacidosis? It is an acute complication of diabetes caused by elevated blood sugar, elevated blood ketones, and metabolic acidosis.

Diabetic nausea is a sign of ketoacidosis

Diabetic nausea is a sign of ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is considered an extremely dangerous complication, it can cause a coma or death. Therefore, when suffering from diabetes, patients need to proactively prevent it by going for a regular ketone test or as prescribed by a doctor.

Sleep problems

Decreased sleep quality is also signs of diabetes. Including difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much. Some people also have sleep apnea – which means that breathing stops during sleep due to a blocked airway.

Apnea affects many organs in the body. It causes oxygen levels in the blood to drop, preventing air from reaching the lungs, brain, and heart. It is estimated that up to a quarter of obese people have sleep apnea.

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Vulnerable to infections and fungal infections

This is signs of diabetes in women and also men. According to experts, yeast’s food is glucose, so they will have a chance to grow quickly in people with high sugar. Infections are common in areas where folds are catalyzed by moist and warm factors, such as between fingers and toes, under the uterus, or around the genitals.

Slow healing wounds

Long-term high blood sugar affects blood flow, and can cause nerve damage. This makes it more difficult for the body to heal, sometimes the wound becomes infected with necrosis.

Slow wound healing, slow healing is a sign of diabetes

Slow wound healing, slow healing is a sign of diabetes

Numbness in limbs

Numbness or loss of sensation in the limbs is a peripheral neuropathy complication of diabetes. The cause is an increase in blood glucose, which not only affects the limbs, but also affects the nerves in the body, such as: sensory nerves, motor nerves, nerves menstrual cycle of gastric activities,…

To avoid this situation, patients need to control blood sugar at a stable level. By taking diabetes medication and following a healthy diet, combined with regular exercise, you can maintain your health and weight.

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Recognizing gestational diabetes

Signs of diabetes Pregnancy is quite difficult to recognize. Because they are often not obvious. However, there are still some symptoms that signal gestational diabetes to be noted such as:

  • Or thirsty
  • Peeing a lot
  • Constantly hungry
  • Blurred vision

The above symptoms are quite general, most pregnant women have frequent urination and hunger. Therefore, it is difficult to recognize when you have gestational diabetes. The best way is to do tests to determine if you have the disease. When a mother’s blood sugar is too high, it can cause many health problems for the mother and fetus.

High-risk groups for diabetes

Diabetes can affect anyone. But studies on diabetes suggest that certain factors may increase the risk of the disease further. Such as:

Don't be subjective because anyone can get diabetes

Don’t be subjective because anyone can get diabetes

  • People over 45 years old or BMI > 25
  • People with large waist measurements for men > 90cm, for women >80cm. The accumulation of fat around the waist is also a possible risk factor for diabetes.
  • Relatives with diabetes
  • Patients with essential hypertension (>=140/90 mmHg)
  • People with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting blood sugar.
  • People with cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease or stroke.
  • Excess fat diet
  • Drink a lot
  • Lazy to exercise
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Experts tell you how to prevent diabetes

Diabetes often progresses silently, with few symptoms. Patients are often detected when they are in the advanced stage, increasing the risk of dangerous complications. Don’t wait until you realize the signs of diabetes Just looking for a “lifebuoy”. Be proactive in preventing illness by doing the following:

Build a healthy diet

  • Reduce the amount of sugar, starch and sweeteners in meals
  • Do not eat too full, always remember the principle: eat slowly – chew well
  • Increase the frequency of eating fish, at least 2 times a week
  • Avoid eating foods high in animal fat or viscera
  • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits in meals
  • Limit sweets, reduce carbonated soft drinks and confectionery
  • No alcohol, no beer, no smoking

Exercise every day

Daily exercise is a way to prevent diabetes

Daily exercise is a way to prevent diabetes

  • Practice any skill maintain every day, at least 45 minutes. Do not take more than 2 days a week off.
  • Do not sit for too long. Stand up and do light exercise after 1 hour of sitting continuously.
  • Increase the use of stairs instead of the elevator when going to work at the office.

Combined with products that support blood sugar control

In addition to the above two things, diabetics can control blood sugar with natural herbs. This method is highly appreciated, because of its ability to help stabilize blood sugar quickly, reducing the risk of disease progression.

There is still no cure for diabetes. Therefore, everyone should equip themselves with health protection knowledge and know how to recognize it signs of diabetes. In addition, take action by changing your diet, living, and exercising to prevent diabetes. Wish you all the best.

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